Kangana demands action against VIR watershed – News2IN

Kangana demands action against VIR watershed

Kangana demands action against VIR watershed
Written by news2in

Actor Kanganana Ranaut is the latest celebrity for Slam Comedian VIR DAS for videos uploaded on YouTube, titled ‘I come from two Indias’ which is part of his recent appearance at John F Kennedy Center in Washington.
In the VIR six-minute video uploaded on the YouTube channel on Monday, he could be heard distinguishing the dark side of India by taking numbers on such problems – fight against Covid-19, farmers protest, again.
Some social media users including politicians have mocked VIr because of insulting their homeland in a foreign country.
Read Minister Alsomaha call Kangana Ranaut ‘Dancer Girl’, said his comments were not appropriate to answer
Kangana Ranaut also takes the story of Instagram and slams viral monologues about India and asks for tight action to be taken against it.
In the story of Instagram, Kangana wrote, “When you generalize all Indian men as gang rapists bring rise racism and intimidation against Indians around the world …
after Famine Bengal Churchill said, ‘These Indians breed like Their rabbits will definitely die like this …
‘He blames Indian sex drive / fertility for millions of deaths because of hunger …
such creative work targeting all races is soft terrorism …
strict actions must be taken against such a criminal @ VIRDAS.

Read Alsodespite Vir Das Clarification, President of Fwice BN Tiwari said Comedians should not be allowed to work on any platform, Ashoke Pandit filmmaker wants him to be ‘tried under the terror law’
This reaction from Kangana came a few hours after the comedian issued a statement through his Twitter handle, stating that his intention was not to insult the country.
The actress also explored the old VIR tweet and shared it on her Instagram story.
At the same time, he wrote, “Examples of Indians are creepy, which is good for nothing so he sells his sleep to make a living with a scary and racist audience.”
“The video is a satire about the duality of two very separate Indians who do different things.
Like any nation that has light and dark, good and evil in it.
None of these are secret.
Videos are interesting for us to never forget That we are very good.
To never stop focusing on what makes us great, “he said.
https://t.co/1xwr4qp5fw— VIR DAS (@Thevirdas) 1637059688000
In the latest developments, police complaints have also been submitted by Delhi Aditya Jha’s resident against VIV at the Marg Police Station in the national capital for allegedly using the language of insult to India during its appearance at the Performing Arts Center in Washington in Washington, which was uploaded by actors on Youtube Monday, Delhi’s police said on Wednesday.
Further details are waiting.
Read alsocomplainta submitted against VIR watershed for alleged language use in condescending on India, clarification of comedian problems
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