Kecetimian Embassy in the UAE, Israel told the area: ‘We are here to stay’ – News2IN

Kecetimian Embassy in the UAE, Israel told the area: ‘We are here to stay’

Kecetimian Embassy in the UAE, Israel told the area: 'We are here to stay'
Written by news2in

Dubai: Israeli New Foreign Minister inaugurated his embassy in the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday and offered olive branches to other former enemies, by saying: “We are here to stay.” Visit two days Yair Lapid, where he would open the Israeli Consulate in Dubai on Wednesday, was the first of the Gulf State by the Israeli cabinet minister because countries founded last year’s bond.
The journey was also an opportunity for the two-week-old Israeli government in Naftali Bennett, a nationalist who headed the impossible cross-partisan coalition, to make a diplomatic breakthrough despite a long talk with Palestine.
“Israel wants peace with his neighbors – with all his neighbors.
We are not everywhere.
The Middle East is our home,” said Lapid during a ribbon cutting ceremony at the high office of Abu Dhabi which futures as the embassy.
“We are here to stay.
We called all countries in the area to admit that and to talk to us,” he said.
Tarned together by joint concerns about Iran and hope for commercial grace, UAE and Bahrain respecting relations with Israel last year under what is called “ACraham Accords” made by the Administration of President Donald Trump at that time.
Sudan and Morocco have since moved to build relationships with Israel.
Lapid and his Emirati partner Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan discussed the building on the agreement to reach peace and strengthen security in the region, the WAM state news agency said.
They signed an agreement for economic and commercial cooperation, which was previously said by Israeli spokesman will be the 12th since moving last year to forge bonds.
US Secretary Antony Blinken, welcomed Lapid’s visit, said Washington “will continue to work with Israel and UAE when we strengthen all aspects of our partnership and work to create a more peaceful, safe and prosperous future for all Middle Eastern people”, said the department Overseas.
Regional recovery was organized by Palestine, who wanted their demands for freedom from the Israeli occupation first.
President Mahmoud Abbas rejected the agreement as an “illusion” and confirmed that the colonial power had “implants (ED) Israel as a foreign object in this region to break it down and make it weak,” according to a report on Tuesday.
Palestinian news agency wafa.
Lapid planes go through the Saudi airspace.
Riyadh, although it did not have the relationship normalized with Israel, last year opened the sky to Israel-UAE flights.
Lapid will be on Wednesday visiting the Dubai 2020 Expo site, the opening of the world in October where Israel has built a pavilion.
The UAE officially opened its embassies in Israel, while located on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange this month.
Embassy of Abu Dhabi Israel still has three diplomats and mission heads, Eita Na’eh, has not been confirmed as full ambassador.
The Dubai consulate is also located in a temporary place.
Lapid was reconciling the former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who tried to arrange trips to UAE while in the office was sacrificed by Covid-19 restrictions and who had tried to throw his ouster by Bennett as illegal.
Thanking Netanyahu as “Architect Abraham Accords”, Lapid said: “This moment is his, no less than it belongs to us.” (Reporting by Ari Rabinovitch and and Williams; Additional Reporting by Nidal Al-Mughrabi ‘wrote by Lisa Barrington; Editing by Clarence Fernandez, John S

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