Kerala Government ‘Overview’ Death Covid Meree Eyewash, Tell Experts – News2IN

Kerala Government ‘Overview’ Death Covid Meree Eyewash, Tell Experts

Thiruvananthapuram: The state government is still struggling to stay away from reviewing all deaths that occur during the pandemic period.
The Ministry of Health has decided to only review all Covid deaths stated by district administration because there are reports that they vary from country data.
Experts demanding a review of Covid death recorded by the district health administration will not be enough.
“The problem is not about not reporting Covid’s death but it is about excluding deaths from the list, ” said Dr.
Anoop Kumar a from Baby Memorial Hospital, a public health expert.
There are accusations to spread that there is a big difference in Covid’s death reported by the district and country Every day.
Now, the Ministry of Health has asked all DMOS to send this list within three days.
“There is no point in demanding this list.
The basic problem is the country does not follow the ICMR and WHO guidelines.
There is a clause in the ICMR guidelines that death can be expressed as ‘possibility of covid death’ if the patient is not positive but has all possible covid symptoms.
Can the state government show one death that has been stated in this way, ” asked Dr.
Arun N M, an internal disease expert who had tracked Covid death in the state.
Treating a doctor must declare death, the Experts of the Health Minister Veena George claim that to bring more transparency, now death is being determined at the district level itself and not by the state level committee.
“The appointment of the state-level committee to determine the death itself is contrary to the ICMR guidelines.
There is not in the guidelines, it is stated that the Committee must be formed to express death.
Death must be stated by a treated doctor,” said Dr.
S Lal, Public Health Expert.
Lal argues that the entire death list that has come before the State Committee must be published to find out whether there is transparency in declaring death.
“The government avoids reviews because the addition of thousands of deaths will place the government in improvement.
The government must face the wrath of people to cover thousands of deaths.
So they won’t be ready for it,” he said.
However, Dr.
Anoop Kumar believes that every doctor who is treated or the hospital has provided a certificate of death or a certificate of treatment where it will be clearly mentioned whether it is Covid’s death.
“When it comes to getting compensation if the family goes with this certificate, the government will be problematic,” he said.
If a patient goes to court with this certificate, the government will be forced to review all deaths.
The minister now claims that no complaints.
Complaints will come after you announce compensation, Dr.
Lal added.

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