Kerala: Opposition takes a protest protest cycle on fuel tax – News2IN

Kerala: Opposition takes a protest protest cycle on fuel tax

Kerala: Opposition takes a protest protest cycle on fuel tax
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: As part of intensifying protests against the state government of high fuel prices, opposition protests against the state government’s decision not to reduce gasoline and diesel taxes in the Assembly, on the last day of the third legislative session.
While the government ruled out the possibility of reducing the taxes that quoted that the state had not increased taxes over the past five years and reduced tax now it would mean that it would not be abandoned with any income, the opposition demanded that the government must reduce the tax and provide fuel subsidies to the autorickshaw Taxis, transportation buses and fishermen so they get more help than reducing fuel prices by the center.
Before the start of the assembly session on Thursday, the opposition MLA was led by opposition leader V D Sathean issued a bicycle meeting with the Assembly of the quarter of MLA.
“Even though the center only reduces a portion of the increased tax, the state must also reduce taxes to provide more assistance to the public because they have received around RS 5,000 crore through gasoline and diesel sales in the sale of the last five years.
The state and state government practices tax terrorism For the public and state governments rejoice when the center increases taxes on gasoline and diesel, “he said.
He said that former Finance Minister M Thomas Isaac said that the government would reduce tax if the center reduced it.
But when the center of reducing, the current Minister of Finance is making a reason by saying that the Congress Government in Rajasthan and Punjab have not reduced anything.
Now that these governments have also diminished, the state must immediately reduce taxes, he said.
However, Minister of Finance K N Balagopal said that the government not only increased taxes on gasoline and diesel in the past six years, it has reduced taxes three years ago.
When 41% of the customs collected must be shared with America, the center collects most taxes as special customs and CESS, which do not need to be distributed to countries.
The state also did not impose Covid-19 Cess on fuel like many other countries carried out during a pandemic, he said.
In addition, the country has not compromised on one of the commitments of social security and the welfare activities carried out by it.
If the tax is cut further, the state will hardly be abandoned with any income, he said.
Opposition members then shouted slogans in front of the speakers, demanding that the government reduce fuel taxes.
UDF members then boycotted assembly protest the government did not heed their demands.

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