Kerala: The role of the Vital Congress in struggling against BJP, observing CPM Politbiro – News2IN

Kerala: The role of the Vital Congress in struggling against BJP, observing CPM Politbiro

Kerala: The role of the Vital Congress in struggling against BJP, observing CPM Politbiro
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: The CPM Politburo meeting held in New Delhi to compile political resolution to be presented at the 23rd Party Congress to be held in Kannur, it was said to have observed that there was no front of the political ignoring the role of Congress.
In the discussion, leaders said they had argued that in the war against BJP at the national level, there was no role for the third front.
The congress itself is the main opposition party in the country and therefore there are no fronts without Congress will succeed or maybe.
It’s always better that all opposition parties gather in the war against BJP.
Farmers’ strikes have placed the BJP government in great difficulty.
Therefore there is a need to organize the movement of the people against the BJP government in the middle.
Class-based organizations can intervene in the struggle intended for community welfare.
The left parties must unite at the spearhead of such anti-government agitation and must play an active role in problems regarding people, the meeting was studied to be observed.
The meeting also observed that aligning with regional political parties in each country would do good in the fight against BJP.
Instead of a comprehensive third front alliance, regional alliances with anti-BJP parties will be more effective.
The draft political resolution prepared by Politburo will be given a final form at the Central Committee meeting scheduled for October 22.

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