Kerala: wave program to ensure vaccination for all – News2IN

Kerala: wave program to ensure vaccination for all

Kerala: wave program to ensure vaccination for all
Written by news2in

ThiruvananThapuram: As part of ensuring Covid-19 vaccination for all, especially a marginalized society that does not have access to digital media for vaccination registration, the country is starting an ambitious program to reach all and make it registered for vaccination.
In accordance with the government’s orders in this case, the campaign titled ‘Working together for vaccine equity’ (Wave) has been launched by the Department of Health and Family Welfare.
The purpose of this campaign is registration of all marginalized populations, including those in the sub-line-poverty category, people who live in remote areas and those who do not have access to digital devices, and complete their vaccination as early as possible.
The state has drives Covid-19 vaccination since January 16 this year, and has so far provided more than one of the first doses of 13 lakh and 37 lakh doses with the beneficiaries of various categories.
The state has taken proactive steps to ensure fast vaccination so that it achieves immune herds against Covid-19.
The Ministry of Health has falsified partnerships with private hospitals, increasing the number of vaccination centers and issuing guidelines for prioritizing students, and people who work abroad and have also issued orders to vaccinate the patient’s bed and community and transgender.
The state expects to complete vaccination for 60% -70% of the population in the next three months.
In the wave program, the registration process has begun at the environmental level, where Asha Regional Workers have been given the responsibility to ensure that all who qualifies in the ward are listed on the Cowin portal before July 31.
Video displays how to register also circulated to provide knowledge to those who have smart digital devices made aware of the procedure.
Registration will be carried out through an independent house visit.
Primary health center, public health center, urban PHC, etc.
In specific fields will support and monitor the registration process.
The progress of registration will be monitored by the district and the task force blocking immunization.
Incentives for Asha personnel will be provided from the Covid-19 funds from NHM, at the level of Rs 2 per registration on the Cowin Portal.

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