Kim Bumer North Korean officials for ‘important’ virus hoses – News2IN

Kim Bumer North Korean officials for ‘important’ virus hoses

Kim Bumer North Korean officials for 'important' virus hoses
Written by news2in

SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has berated top officials for failures in coronavirus prevention that caused a “great crisis”, using strong language that raised the specter of a mass outbreak in a country that would be scarcely able to handle it.
The state media report on Wednesday did not specify what “crucial” lapse had prompted Kim to call the politburo meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party, but experts said the North could be wrestling with a significant setback in its pandemic fight.
So far, North Korea has claimed to have had no coronavirus infections, despite testing thousands of people and sharing a porous border with China.
Experts widely doubt the claim and are concerned about any potential outbreak, given the country’s poor health infrastructure.
At the politburo meeting, Kim criticized the senior officials for supposed incompetence, irresponsibility and passiveness in planning and executing anti-virus measures amid the lengthening pandemic, the North’s official Korean Central News Agency said.
Kim said “senior officials in charge of important state affairs neglected the implementation of the important decisions of the party on taking organizational, institutional, material, scientific and technological measures as required by the prolonged state emergency epidemic prevention campaign,” according to the KCNA.
This “caused a crucial case of creating a great crisis in ensuring the security of the state and safety of the people and entailed grave consequences.” The report also said the party recalled an unspecified member of the politburo’s powerful presidium, which consists of Kim and four other top officials.
The reference indicated Kim may replace his Cabinet Premier Kim Tok Hun, who would be held responsible for failures in the government’s anti-epidemic work, said Hong Min, a senior analyst at Seoul’s Korea Institute for National Unification.
“There is no possibility that North Korea will ever admit to an infection – even if there were mass transmissions, the North will definitely not reveal such developments and will continue to push forward an anti-virus campaign it has claimed to be the greatest,” Hong said.
“But it’s also clear that something significant happened and it was big enough to warrant a reprimanding of senior officials.
This could mean mass infections or some sort of situation where a lot of people were put at direct risk of infections.” From the start of the pandemic, North Korea described its anti-virus efforts as a “matter of national existence,” banned tourists, jetted out diplomats and severely curtailed cross-border traffic and trade.
The lockdown has further strained an economy already battered by decades of mismanagement and crippling US-led sanctions over the country’s nuclear weapons program.
Kim Jong Un during a political conference earlier this month called for officials to brace for prolonged Covid-19 restrictions, indicating that the country isn’t ready to open its borders anytime soon despite its economic woes.
North Korea has told the World Health Organization it has not found a single coronavirus infection after testing more than 30,000 people, including many described as having fevers or respiratory symptoms.
The North’s extended border controls come amid uncertainties over the country’s vaccination prospects.
COVAX, the UN-backed program to ship Covid-19 vaccines worldwide, said in February that the North could receive 1.9 million doses in the first half of the year, but the plans have been delayed due to global shortages.
Pyongyang’s coronavirus defence has come at a high price.
Its self-imposed and strictly enforced blockade has left it more isolated than ever: trade with Beijing — its economic lifeline — slowed to a trickle while all international aid workers have left.
And this month, Pyongyang admitted it was tackling a food crisis, sounding the alarm in a nation with a moribund agricultural sector that has long struggled to feed itself.
Earlier, Kim warned his people to prepare for the “worst-ever situation”.
Pyongyang has been looking to shore up loyalty to the authorities, with state television last week showing a resident of the capital expressing concern and saying everyone was “heartbroken” over the “emaciated” condition of Kim, who has lost significant weight in recent weeks.
Analysts say Pyongyang is using Kim’s appearance as a way to glorify him by portraying him as a “devoted, hardworking” leader as the country struggles to tackle its food crisis and other challenges.
In recent months, Kim has issued a series of lengthy letters to regime organisations such as the Youth League and the trade union federation exhorting them to pursue “loyalty and patriotism”.
At the same time, authorities have mounted a campaign against “criminal” youths tarnished by foreign influences that are “dangerous poisons” to state ideology, according to KCNA.

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