Kiosk visva-bharati entered in the middle stir – News2IN

Kiosk visva-bharati entered in the middle stir

Kiosk visva-bharati entered in the middle stir
Written by news2in

Santiniketan: Viscava-Bharati, a central university, on Monday suspended the acceptance process and resist the results of all UG semester and PG exams in the past year, saying the decision must be taken as a university “under siege”.
The university officially told that the physical presence of the representative of Chancellor in his office was needed for the receipt process.
The decision, the future plunge hundreds of applicants – both from India and abroad – into uncertainty, have caused a surprise and anger, with the former Chancellor representative to call it “unprecedented”.
A senior former observing VC asks why VC’s physical presence is needed at all, especially in a year throughout the receipt process being carried out online.
Agitation at Viscavan Bharatithe’s authority has not mentioned the exact nature of campus disorders, but speculation has been rampant that the reference was for protests on campuses triggered after the university sent three students for three years and suspended two professors for “miscalcipeness and violation”.
The decision by the University’s authority triggered the sit-in, one of them outside ‘Purbosa’, the official residence of the Deputy Chancellor of Bidelir Chakraborty.
On Monday afternoon, a group of Viscava-Bharati teachers approached students who protested to open dialogue on deadlock, but shouted.
‘Univ is wrong to take the risk of the future of students.
The university’s entry cell coordinator posted the following on the official website on Monday: “Visva Bharati is currently being surrounded …
The cell in need of the VC physical presence in his office.
Given the unfavorable situation …
the reception process stands for a while Deferred.
“Notification states that the revised revenue schedule for courses below 10 Bhavanas (department) will be announced in time.
The suspension came a week before the scheduled publication from the scholar schedule list on September 7.
The university announced that it would complete counseling and receiving processes between 13 and 20 September.
The suspension of this acceptance process affects this deadline.
Former representative Chancellor Soujit Kumar Basu said he was not sure whether the situation of land at the University guaranteed “unprecedented” decisions.
“I face violent agitation during my term.
There is pressure from personal interest in the acceptance process.
But we never stop the acceptance process in the middle.
I don’t know how the grave of the situation is now, who led the authorities to make an unprecedented decision Previously, “he said.
The former representative of VC Sabujkali Sen held the same view.
“Universities cannot suspend the receipt process and place the future of students in danger,” he said, adding he failed to understand why the incoming cell insisted on the physical presence of VC.
“The process is being carried out in a centralized MHRD portal.
Head of Bhavanas has requested to save the tab in the process,” he said.
Applicants who came to campus, and their guardians, were also surprised.
“Most colleges began to come up with the appropriate list.
I want to put my daughter in Viscava-Bharati, but how long we have to stand up and wait in the midst of such uncertainty,” said Suri Resident Baisakhi Bag.

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