Kitty Mutual Fund Record, SIPS on Stock Market Rally – News2IN

Kitty Mutual Fund Record, SIPS on Stock Market Rally

Mumbai: Strong current into the liquid, the money market, new fund offer (NFO) and sectoral funds helped the total assets managed by the Mutual Fund industry (MF) to the top of the Hospital of 35.3 lakh crore at the end of July.
With the stock market reliely to a new highest highest, monthly systematic investment flow (SIP) also recorded a new highest from RS 9,609 Crore, data from the Amfi Industrial Trade Agency showed.
Besides that, July set a note for several other MF heads.
This includes a retail SIP account at almost 4.2 crores, total assets under SIPS more than Rs 5 Lakh Crore, retail assets under management (AUM) at RS 16.3 lakh crore, clean retail flow at Rs 40,302 Crore and Flowing Net To equity funds at Rs 22,584 Crore, notes from Amfi said.
According to the Chief Executive Amfi N S Venkatesh, the accommodative attitude of the RBI, a healthier income growth, stable detention driven by vaccination and global & domestic liquidity helps the equity market to historic highest.
“Taking CUE, retail investors also participated in equity rally, mostly through SIPS MF, at a quantum record level that continues to increase,” he said.
Data shows that during July, the flow of entry to all equity funds – at almost 22,600 crore rs – is the fifth month sequential from positive inflows.
The appropriate number for the industrial debt segment is almost Rs 73,700 Crore.
The hybrid scheme also witnessed the net stream of almost Rs 19,500 Crore, driven mainly by large currents into arbitration funds.
NFO also attracted strong interest among investors over the previous month.
Of the 15 fund offers covering four closed, the industry mobilized slightly more than Rs 17,300 Crore, AMFI data showed.
According to Priti Rathi Gupta, the founder of the investment platform for LXME women, the growth of economic activities and higher savings because lower expenditure also allows investors to examine discretionary income.
Gupta further recorded interest in waning investors against gold ETFs with July data which showed the outflow of 61.5-crore Rs from this fund.
“Investors seem to have lost interest in Gold ETFs, especially for two reasons: the price of gold has been at the highest point of all time, creating anticipation between investors to plunge prices.
And because interesting returns are taken by equity and debt funds, investors tend to divert investment They are into this instrument, “he said in a note.

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