Kolkata: Hope dip can be a service service service – News2IN

Kolkata: Hope dip can be a service service service

Kolkata: Hope dip can be a service service service
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Resumption of suburban train services has a cooling effect on the price of vegetables and commodities that are easily damaged in the wholesale market throughout the city.
It will take more a week for prices to fall on the retail market, thanks to Puja times, Diwali and Bhai Phonta.
Even though the week was the day of Lean for the supply of easily damaged items, a large number of vendors carry vegetables in the vendor compartment to the city.
With fuel prices violating Mark Century, road transportation has become expensive with retail prices on the city market very high even though vegetable products are good.
Earlier this month some vegetables violated Rs 200-Mark with most vegetable prices beyond RS70-80.
The difference in transportation costs between road transportation and the train is very large.
“The cost of booking two tons of vegetables from Krishnagore to Kolkata is Rs 1,600, but now it requires RS 12,000 costs to bring it through roads.
The price of one kg of vegetables is more expensive than those carried by the train,” said Kamal Dey, President, Association Vendor.
In addition, the city is very connected to our agricultural growth center, he added.
However, Dey, a member of the country appointed by the Market Task Force, said, “Prices will begin to fall from next Monday because the market will be flooded with winter vegetables.
The price of okra and parwal will begin to rise due to the embassy.” Vegetable wholesale prices have begun to decrease at Sunday.
Wholesale prices of potatoes fall from RS850 to RS800 for 50 kg bags.
The wholesale prices of tomatoes fall to RS35 A kg and capsicum and nuts that have scored a double goal down below the RS100 A Kg in the wholesale market.
However, because three back-to-back celebrations, retail prices cannot go down when retailers always try to take advantage of these festival days, Alok Das said from the Barisa Market Committee.
The impact of heavy rain in mid-October left a vast agricultural land channel, destroying a large number of plants standing.
However, several districts such as Nadia avoided the impact of this rain.
In fact, several districts in 24 to 24 severe parganas were beaten by huh cyclone and rain mid-October has now produced bumper plants, said the source of the agricultural marketing department.
From Monday, the actual supply line, the train, will open fully.
“Farmers are very happy.
They are forced to make their products in the countryside market because of road transportation costs that prohibit.
They now hope to take good prices by selling them in the city market,” said Arijit Sinha Roy, Konvenor, Association of Bengal Vegetable Farmers .

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