Kolkata poison info unit found a place on the global list – News2IN

Kolkata poison info unit found a place on the global list

Kolkata poison info unit found a place on the global list
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Poison Information Center (PIC) at RG Kar Medial College has received who recognition and has been registered at the Global Health Health Observatorial Global Health World under the directory of world poison centers.
Only nine centers from India that pocketed a place in the WHO directory, with PIC on RG Kar became the only one inherent with a government-managed hospital.
Other names in the list include AIIMS New Delhi and CMC Vellore.
Established in April 2018, the RG Kar Center must operate at least three years before being able to get WHO recognition.
This provides toxicological information and advice on treatment of patients suffering from poisoning.
This unit operates the 24×7 toll-free help channel that guides the patient and doctor if poisoning, including from the snake bites.
In fact, the doctor was attached to the pic built to help care for five teachers who poisoned in front of Bikas Bhawan a few weeks ago.
Helpline is used to get around 300 calls a month before the pandemic.
Although the number dropped drastically during the first and second waves, it has now increased to around 120 calls a month.
“His confession is a big pride problem.
We now have plans to expand our work, such as preparing a real-time poison detection center and developing applications that will guide affected to the nearest center that has anti-poisons.
Bengal is endemic snake bites and we hope for the application As it will help, “Somnath Das, Professor and Head of Department, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.
According to the watershed, the poison detection center has a doubling advantage – identifying poisons, helping to get the right treatment, and become a practical medico-legal point.
PIC, the only one of its kind in East India, also has an application that knows users with a type of poison, including chemicals, vegetables and snakes in our environment, and explains what to do if influenced if it is influenced by one of them.

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