Kolkata: PVT Hospitals destroyed JAB Lower to keep the drive – News2IN

Kolkata: PVT Hospitals destroyed JAB Lower to keep the drive

Kolkata: PVT Hospitals destroyed JAB Lower to keep the drive
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Low in vaccine stocks, many private hospitals in the city have decided to stay away from the vaccine camp outside the site for now and focus on vaccination in the center of their hospital.
After the government frame fresh SOP to stop fraud, a private hospital was required to take permission from the local police and health authority or municipalities to hold camps outside the location.
Also, site inspection has become a must.
Given so many permits, private facilities have reduced camp outside the location half week.
Fortis Hospital, who has conducted camps outside the location widely, has now limited himself to the drive where his hospital for about a week now.
The hospital is now left with so few bottles that they can now manage around 200 daily doses where from the two hospital centers, one in an anandapur and the others are loaded with Bose Road.
They are inoculating around 800 doses a day.
“We are left with only a few bottles, as a result we limit the number of doses.
We expect 50,000 covishield doses on weekends or early next week.
We have also received confirmation for 20,000 covaxin doses.
After we get the next consignment, we will improve our drive again , “said Richa Singh Debgupta, head of strategy and operation at Fortis Healthcare.
Charnock Hospital has run out of stock covishield and only has around 500 doses of covaxin.
“Given the type of stock we have now, we cannot surpass 100 doses of covaxin a day at the center of our hospital.
We can plan to improve the drive only when we get our supply for June which is still due.
We also have asked for a consignment of 18,000 other doses , “said Ipsita Kundu, CEO, Charnock Hospital.
In Medica, the number of inoculation has diminished to almost half of what was done before.
“We have enough stock and want to spread in the district.
But after the new SOP was formed, according to the approval of the local police and local health officials or cities for camps outside the location, traveling in the district would slow down.
We were forced to analyzed about half of the number The person we vaccinated before, “said Medica Alok Roy’s Hospital group.
The Tagore RN Hospital expects to get 9,500 covishield doses, which payments have been made.
Because hospitals do not conduct camps outside the location now, the stock he has will last around 12 days.
“Initially, we have bought considerable shares.
We are now expecting 9,500 covishield and 2,500 doses of covaxin immediately.
We must be able to start more camps outside the location next week after getting permission from health officials.
Until then, we were stuck at 1,000 doses A day at the hospital, “said Head of Narayan (East) Health Region R Venkatesh.
“We plan to add three more vaccination sites at the hospital.
Since we started late, we still have a dose to expand the drive,” said CEO Nearless Sudipta Mitra.

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