Kuwait began recycling big tire graves – News2IN

Kuwait began recycling big tire graves

Kuwait began recycling big tire graves
Written by news2in

Kuwait: More than 42 million old vehicle tires dumped in the sand of Kuwait have begun to be recycled, because the Gulf State handles the problem of waste that creates one of the largest tire graves in the world.
A large-scale dump site is only 7 km (4 miles) from the suburbs.
Residents were disturbed by a major flame regularly who released dangerous black smoke.
But this month Kuwait, who wanted to build 25,000 new homes on the site, finished moving all tires to a new location in Al-Salmi, near the Saudi border, where recycled attempts began.
In the factory run by global global global trading company, employees sort and tear used tires, before pressing the particles into rubber-colored floor tiles.
“The factory helps the community by cleaning out old tires that are discarded and turn it into consumer products,” said Epsco partner and CEO of Alaa Hassan from Epsco, added that they also exported products to neighboring gulf countries and Asia.
The Epsco factory, which began operating in January 2021, could recycle up to 3 million tires a year, said the company.
Used tires are the main environmental problems throughout the world because most and chemicals they can release.
Kuwait is rich in oil, an OPEC member with a population of around 4.5 million, has around 2.4 million vehicles in 2019, the Central Statistics Bureau data shows, up from 1.5 million in 2010.
The government hopes that Al-Salmi will become a hub Recycling tires, with more planned factories.
The Al Khair group transports more than half of all tires to new sites using up to 500 trucks a day and plans to open a factory to burn tires through a process called pyrolysis, the CEO of Hammoud Al-Marri.
Pyrolysis produces a type of oil that can be sold for use in industrial furnaces such as cement factories, and ash known as black carbon that can be used in various industries.

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