Lack of specialist hits service in 3 government hospitals – News2IN

Lack of specialist hits service in 3 government hospitals

Lack of specialist hits service in 3 government hospitals
Written by news2in

Ghaziabad: Lack of specialist doctors at the MMG District Hospital, a Joint District Hospital district and district female hospital, three government official hospitals in the Ghaziabad district, have forced patients to seek expensive care in private hospitals or travel to neighboring houses.
More than 20% of posts in each hospital, officials said, lay empty as specialist doctors have retired or transferred.
After a single cardiologist at the MMG District Hospital retired last week, the facility had stopped providing care to such patients, officials said.
The hospital also does not have a chest specialist.
When approached, the Head of the Medical Supervisory (CMS) Anurag Bhargav told TI that the hospital regularly notifies the state government about empty posts.
At present, doctors attend heart patients, while serious cases are being referred to higher centers.
At the Joint District Hospital (DCH) and district female hospitals too, the authorities wrestle with lack of surgeons and other specialists.
Three years after a cardiologist at DCH Retired, there is no new appointment.
The hospital, officials said, also ran without general surgeons.
Sanjay Teotia said he had raised this problem with the head of a medical officer and had received a guarantee that a surgeon from the MMG Hospital would visit three-week facilities.
“The hospital also does not have a doctor and is currently a doctor, who has a degree in community medicine, attending general patients,” Dr.
Teotia added.
Likewise, following the transfer of former medical supervisory head Dr.
Deepa Tyagi to Lucknow about a year back, the position of surgeons at the District Women’s Hospital had been lying empty.
Most cases of operations that come to the hospital are now being referred to Delhi or Meerut, officials said.
Sangeeta Goyal said the hospital administration had written to senior officials to provide a surgeon.
Hospitals also do not have radiologists and have roamed specialists from MMG hospitals under temporary arrangements.
With his gynecological doctor, he will retire in one month and another contract in the end at the same time, the department also anticipates the crisis in the coming days, officials said.
Three hospitals mostly have one specialist in each department.
About two weeks ago, when the ENT specialist at DCH continued about going about a month, officials said, his patients had to be referred to the MMG Hospital.

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