Lake under the south pole Mars may not be real – News2IN

Lake under the south pole Mars may not be real

Lake under the south pole Mars may not be real
Written by news2in

New York: The lower lake surface was found under the south pole of Mars, using data from the Mars European Express Orbiter Space Agency, may not be truly a lake at all, denied the researchers.
Two research teams in 2018, worked on data from the Mars Express Orbiter announced a surprising discovery – signals from the radar instrument reflected in the South Pole of the Red Planet apparently revealing the lake under the liquid surface.
However, the team of scientists at NASA and Arizona State University (ASU) found a dozens of similar radar reflections around the South Pole after analyzing a broader range of Mars Express Mars.
But, according to them, many are in areas that must be too cold for water to remain liquid.
“Usually, radar waves lose energy when they travel through ingredients, so that the reflection of more deep must be less bright than the surface,” Aditya Khuller said from the Earth and Space Exploration School.
“Even though there are some possible reasons for unusual bright surface reflections, both of these studies conclude that the liquid water component is the cause of this bright reflection, because the liquid water looks bright for radar,” he added.
The radar signal was initially interpreted as liquid water was found in the Mars region known as the South Pole coated deposit.
The initial area hypothesized containing a liquid water range of about 10 to 20 kilometers in a relatively small area of ​​the South Polar-plated deposit of Marist.
For new studies, the team expanded the search for radio signals that were strong and similar to 44,000 measurements spread across 15 years of marshis data during the whole south-polar polar region.
It reveals dozens of additional bright radar reflections above reach and depth which are far greater than before.
In some places, they are less than a mile from the surface, where the temperature is estimated to be minus 63 degrees Celsius, so cold so that the water will freeze, even if it contains salted minerals known as the election, which can reduce the freezing point of water.
“We are not sure whether this signal is liquid or not, but they seem to be far more wider than what the original paper found,” said Jeffrey Plaut from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
“Good liquid water is common under the south pole of Mars, or these signals show something else,” added Plaut.
Mars Express is an active spacecraft that lasted a long time in orbit around the planet besides the earth, only behind Mars Odyssey who was still actively NASA.

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