Lakh attended Kisan Mahapachayat, called Bharat Bandh on September 27 – News2IN
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Lakh attended Kisan Mahapachayat, called Bharat Bandh on September 27

Lakh attended Kisan Mahapachayat, called Bharat Bandh on September 27
Written by news2in

Muzaffarnagar: large amounts of farmers converted in the Inter College government at Muzaffarnagar at Uttar Pradesh for Mahapanchayat on Sundays.
While district administration estimates that most of the 1 lakh, the trade union said 10 lakh had arrived in the city for 24 hours for the “historic” meeting.
Trade unions called for “Bharat Bandh” on September 27.
“We have started a mission and Uttarakhand ‘from this stage.
We will not let BJP win the upcoming election,” said a statement by Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM), the agency of umbrella 40 farmer organizations, which regulates Mahapachayat.
“Muzaffarnagar Kisan Mazoor Mahapachayat will be remembered as a historical day and will prove to be a turning point in the Indian political landscape.” Read also vowed to campaign against BJP for up, Uttarakhand Polls: PointsNew Delhi key: Thousands of farmers from Uttar Pradesh and neighboring countries on Sunday gathered at Muzaffarnagar for ‘Kisan Mahapachayat’ organized by Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM).
The farmers demanded to revoke the three new laws imposed by the center, which they maintained when TOI visited the land, which could hold the lakh, it was packed outside the capacity, with the crowd spilling to the streets and even on the next flyover to the venue.
Women and young farmers have appeared in large quantities.
Muzaffarnagar is a fortress where SKM, farmers from 16 countries have arrived for Mahapachayat.
“Farmers will not be polarized by communal politics.
Let us sing Allah Hu Akbar and Har property together,” said National Spokesman Bharatiya Kisan (BKU) Rakesh Tikait, shared the stage with the National President Bku Naresh Tikait, MEDHA Social Activist Patkar, Swaraj India President Yogendra Yadav and Ghulam Farmers influenced Ghulam Mohammad Jola.
Members of the founder of BKU, Jola has been out of the organization after the 2013 Muzaffarnagar riot , saying that they are “our own meat and blood”.
Sharing videos from major elections at Mahapchayat Farmers in Muzaffarnagar, he tweeted, “Lakh farmers haveannoising farmer associations to rise, such as SKM, Tikait said it would” defeat Yogi (Adityanath) the government “in 2022.” They sell our rivers, our water.
We will not let them sell our land …
I will put my life if necessary but will not leave the protest site until we appear as winners, “he said.” The struggle for independence lasted for 90 years.
I don’t know how long we will continue.
“A number of leaders of farmers, each discussed a meeting for one or two minutes, talking from Dais.
They all said the protest would continue until the government promised” MSP Law Guarantee.
“Even 20% of the promised procurement has been carried out, they said.
While the government The state has promised loan relief for 86 lakh farmers, only 45 lakh who received it, they added.
And the number of farmers above which received harvest insurance fell from 72 lakh in 2016-17 to 47 lakh in 2019-20, they then said.
“We will not give up.
The government canceled two trains where farmers from Ambala and Delhi came to Muzaffardagar.
They stopped our bus on the highway.
They installed Jammers so there was no Live coverage, “said Yudhvir Singh, Secretary General BKU.
The next meeting, the farmer’s leaders said, they will be in Lucknow.” Yogi asked Tikait Sahib to come to Lucknow, “said a farmer leader.” We have been come to Muzaffarmagar.
We will soon be in Lucknow.

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