Lambasts RSS Congress, BJP in his meeting to plan an event to celebrate 75 years of independence – News2IN

Lambasts RSS Congress, BJP in his meeting to plan an event to celebrate 75 years of independence

Lambasts RSS Congress, BJP in his meeting to plan an event to celebrate 75 years of independence
Written by news2in

New Delhi: While the Government of Narendra Modi amid regulating several programs to mark India’s independence of 75 years, Congress has said a separate plan to celebrate a historical milestone.
The meeting of the main opposition party to get rid of strategies in this case also indirectly about the powerful BJP and the ideological Master RSS.
The statement issued by the Secretary General of the Congress (Organization) of the KC Venugopal on Monday said when India entered the 75th year of independence on August 15, the party considers it important to celebrate “extraordinary sacrifices of our freedom fighters and their family and successors, too Our martyrs, who fiercely protect our freedom and territorial integrity for the past 75 years.
” Venugopal informed that the meeting of all Indian Congress Committee (AICC) Secretary General and on charges was held on Sunday to discuss the preparation to commemorate 75 years of independence.
Providing credit to Congress for independence, the statement said the party led by Mahatma Gandhi and other leaders and workers played the role of stars during the freedom struggle.
“From ‘Satyagrah’ to ‘march salt’ and from the ‘non-cooperation movement’ to ‘stop the Indian movement’, it leads’ the longest motion without the longest violence in the world against the British Empire and Colonial government and finally achieved state independence.
Post-independence, The Congress party removes the road for modern and vibrant India, stands at the forefront of the most progressive countries in the world.
“The statement said freedom was not easy.
“Throughout the trip, the Congress Party does not only fight with English and its tyranny but also injustice, inequality, community injustice and prejudice that land in ensuring that every Indian is free and equivalent.” However, Congress hit BJP and RSS without named it.
It is said, “individuals and organizations ago and autocratically, the majority of them then sided with the British and opposed the movement of freedom, continued to challenge our government foundation and democracy – Basic our constitution and nationality are their open and secret agenda.
Today, Onus lies in each of us to preserve and protect this freedom.
“Congress leaders always accused the past for noting that RSS leaders sided with the British people.
And is the informant.
The meeting also discussed the “temporary suspension” of the former Twitter account of Congress Rahul Gandhi.
“The terrible attitude is none other than another example of anti-schedule caste (SC) and female mindset and inherent prejudices from the MOD government …
(that) is also a violation of freedom of expression by Indian Twitter under the Dictate of the Modi Government.
All today universally condemned the BJP’s prejudice’s mindset and decided to take this problem at all levels.
“Hitting on Twitter, Congress accused that” standard “is too clear as a legal commission, BJP leaders and those who hold the Law Office have been Installing similar images on Twitter on August 2 and August 3, two days before visiting Rahul Gandhi.
“Instead of limiting atrocities against Dalit throughout the country, the ruling prime minister and government rose to suppress leaders such as Rahul Gandhi, who was at the forefront of fighting for justice,” he said and added that the party was resolved.
Continue to fight which is not affected until justice is secured for families of nine-year-old rape victims.
Meanwhile, giving detailed a year celebration plan to commemorate the 75-year-old Independence, Venugopal said the party had decided to form a committee in all states to regulate historical milestones.
The meeting decided to form a committee consisting of senior leaders and party officials at the Pradesh (PCC) Congress Committee (PCC) level and the level of the District Congress Committee (DCC) for this purpose.
It was also decided to hold several programs on August 14 and 15.
They included holding Senani Swatantra and Shaheed Samman Divas in all Indian districts to honor and annoying fighters of freedom, their families and martyrs on August 14.
(Freedom March) will be held on independence day in all BCC and DCC followed by stretching and respecting the national flag while observing the right Covid protocol.
All PCC will prepare a two-minute video for social media campaigns that highlight the events of the freedom of their respective countries.
The video will then be circulated through various social media platforms, he said.

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