Laser Surgery MicrolaryNgeal for Vocal Cable Cancer Starting in Kashi – News2IN

Laser Surgery MicrolaryNgeal for Vocal Cable Cancer Starting in Kashi

Written by news2in

Varanasi: To provide better care for cancer patients, Muhuhian Cancer Center Malviya Mahamana Pandit Malviya (MPMMCC) and Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital (HBCH), both of them are run by the Tata Memorial Center in Varanasi, has started a laser microlaryngeal operation for patient suffering.
from vocal cord cancer.
This for the first time such a surgeries began at Uttar Pradesh.
In a very short span, more than 20 patients have been successfully operated through this modern procedure in MPMMCC.
Microlaryngeal laser surgery is used to treat vocal cord cancer, leukoplakia, polyp cancer and early mouth cancer lesions.
Although this procedure requires less time to carry out this operation, there is no surgical remaining (cut) anywhere on the face.
Most of the operations carried out by this method at the hospital so far related to vocal cords.
Asieem Mishra, responsible for the Department of Cancer Head and Mpmmcc and Hbch’s neck, said MPMMCC was the first hospital such as in the state to operate vocal cords through laser microlaryngeal operations.
Previously, this operation was not available anywhere in Uttar Pradesh.
“In the past few days, we have conducted an operation of more than 20 cancer patients with this method.
The biggest feature of laser microlaryngeal operations is that patients do not have to undergo open operation, which reduces living in hospital after surgery,” he said, added that on The same time, this operation is the cost and the level of success is 90-95%, provided the patient approaches the hospital in the early stages.
“The initial symptoms of vocal cancer may hoarse sounds Cancer, so that this disease can be identified in time, “he added.
Durgatosh Pandey, Deputy Director of MPMMCC, said that vanic tape cancer was under head and neck cancer and consumption of tobacco products responsible for up to 90% of head and neck cancer.
Therefore, to avoid such a disease, tobacco products should not be consumed at all, he added.

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