Late for office? Govt staffers in Gujarat face pay cut – News2IN

Late for office? Govt staffers in Gujarat face pay cut

Late for office? Govt staffers in Gujarat face pay cut
Written by news2in

GANDHINAGAR: If you are a government employee, then make sure to arrive in office on time.
Leaving early without intimation is also not an option if you do not want a salary cut or face disciplinary action.
After receiving multiple complaints about employees coming late for work and leaving before scheduled time, the state general administration department has passed an order saying that such employees will face strict action.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, government employees were given exemption from electronically swiping their cards, which register entry and exit time, till June 30.
However, many employees took advantage of the concession and either flouted attendance norms or remained absent from office altogether.
GAD issued an order to all secretaries and department heads to watch out for employees bunking office and take necessary action against them by deducting their half-day salary.
The GAD circular said, “At a high-level meeting held under chairpersonship of additional chief secretary (finance), the issue of employees remaining absent was discussed and it was decided that action would be takena against such people.” As per the new instruction, any employee who comes to office 10 minutes later than scheduled time or leaves 10 minutes earlier than scheduled time for three days in a month, will lose half a day’s salary.
The GAD circular also states that employees will have inform immediate superior and department head in advance and take permission if they happen to be late for office.
GAD has directed the concerned section officer, under and deputy secretaries to ensure that the employees report to work on time and do not leave before 6pm time limit set by the government.

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