Lawyer for Prince Andrew vowed, he would fight the lawsuit ‘Land no – News2IN

Lawyer for Prince Andrew vowed, he would fight the lawsuit ‘Land no

Lawyer for Prince Andrew vowed, he would fight the lawsuit 'Land no
Written by news2in

New York: New Lawyers for Prince Andrew England said Monday that Royal had not been well presented with a copy of a new lawsuit filed by a woman who said he was forced to have sex with him at the age of 17, and he intended to challenge the jurisdiction in this case.
Hollywood lawyer Andrew Brettler surpassed the attack on Virginia Giuffre, told the judge in New York that his claim “was unfounded, not feasible and potentially violated the law.” Andrew has repeatedly denied the allegations in the lawsuit brought by Giuffre, who said that as a teenager who lived in Florida, he was one of the many young girls and women who were sexually harassed by sex violators and millionaires Jeffrey Epstein.
In his lawsuit and in an interview, Giuffe said he was traveling to London with Epstein in 2001 and having sex with Andrew, after one night dancing, at British Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell’s house.
Giuffe said Epstein paid $ 15,000, then arranged for him to have two more sexual meetings with Prince in New York and the US Virgin Islands.
Associated Press usually does not identify people who say they are victims of sexual violence unless they choose to advance publicly, because Giuffe has been.
Andrew has denied the allegations, by saying in an interview that he did not remember having met Giuffre, even though at least one photo seemed to show them together.
Andrew said he was “confused to explain” the picture, which seemed to show his hand on the side of the woman, and suggested it could be a doctor.
Brettler told the judge that a lawsuit against Andrew, who was a Duke of York, was prohibited with the previous settlement agreement that remained under the seal “Releasing Duke and others from all and all potential responsibilities.” He added that Andrew intended to ask the English High Court to weigh this problem.
“We have a significant concern about the interests of this lawsuit,” said Brettler, whose clients included several celebrities accused of sexual violations.
Giuffre previously completed a lawsuit against Maxwell on his charges.
Maxwell is now waiting for the trial on the US on charges.
Helps recruiting young victims for Epstein to harass.
The case did not involve Giuffre or Andrew.
Epstein suicide a few weeks after his arrest in 2019.
Brettler on Monday made a procedural argument for the first pretrial conference in this case, said that Monday, said on Monday it was a legal team Giuffe did not take the right steps needed to start this case, including providing Andrew with a copy of the lawsuit.
The lawyer for Giuffe said the documents were handed over to a police officer who served at the main gate of Andrew at the Great Park Windsor on August 27.
Judge Distr.
IK AS Lewis Kaplan did not immediately rule about this issue, but told any lawyers whatever bureaucratic obstacles regarding the claim service would eventually be resolved and the case would be dialchated.
“I think we make this much more complicated than it really,” said the judge.
” Let’s cut all the technical and get to the substance.

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