Leaving Afghanistan to avoid bloodshed, ‘big human disaster’, said President of Ashraf Ghani – News2IN

Leaving Afghanistan to avoid bloodshed, ‘big human disaster’, said President of Ashraf Ghani

Leaving Afghanistan to avoid bloodshed, 'big human disaster', said President of Ashraf Ghani
Written by news2in

KABUL: Afghanistan Battles President Ashraf Ghani said he left Kabul to avoid bloodshed and “big human disaster” in the city of six million people, urged the Taliban to express their intention and convince people who were unsure about their future after the rebels took over the country War-hit.
The Taliban geroben swept the Afghan capital on Sunday after sudden and unprecedented collapse, encouraged President Ghani to join fellow citizens and foreigners to leave the country.
Ghani in his first comment after he left Afghanistan said on Sunday he was faced with “difficult choices” between “armed Taliban” who wanted to enter the Presidential Palace or “leaving a dear country that I dedicated my life to protect the last 20 years for years”.
“If there is still countless compaters of Martyred and they will face the destruction and destruction of Kabul City, the results will be a big human disaster in the six million cities.
The Taliban has made it to move me, they are here to attack all.
Kabul and Kabul people.
To avoid bloody flooding, I think the best is out, “Ghani said at the Facebook post on Sunday.
“Talbanhave won the judgment of swords and weapons and now they are responsible for protecting honor, wealth, and self-esteem.
Didn’t they win the legitimacy of the heart? Never in history has the dry power given to anyone and will not give them to them,” The 72-year-old politician reportedly took refuge in Tajikistan neighbors, said.
Ghani said Taliban rebels are now facing new historical tests to protect the name and honor of Afghanistan or prioritize places and other networks.
He said that to win the legitimacy and hearts of people who were afraid and were unsure of their future, it was necessary for the Taliban to ensure all people, countries, various sectors, sisters, and women of Afghanistan.
“Create a clear plan to do and share with the public.
I will always continue to serve my country with intellectual moments and plans to develop.
Many more talk for the future,” he added.
An academic and economist, Ghani is the 14th President of Afghanistan.
He was first elected on September 20, 2014 and was re-elected in the Presidential Election September 28, 2019.
He announced the winner after the protracted process in February 2020 and was appointed for the second term on March 9 last year.
An anthropologist by education, he previously served as Minister of Finance and Chancellor of the University of Kabul.
The Taliban on Sunday seized the last big city outside Kabul held by the country’s central government, cutting the Afghan capital to the east.
The collapse of Jalalabad left the Central Afghan government that controlled only Kabul and six other provincial capitals from 34 countries.
The Taliban rebels began to move towards Kabul after the collapse of the two cities left in Mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabad.
US President Joe Biden in April announced that all American forces would be withdrawn from Afghanistan on September 11 this year, so it brought to end the longest war in the country, which stretched up to two decades.
The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, but after the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, the brutal regime of militant groups ended when they were expelled from power by US-led forces in 2001.
, has carried out offensive in recent months and is now on the verge of seizing power again.
They entered direct talks with the US in 2018, and in February 2020.
Two sides hit a peace agreement in Doha who did the US for withdrawal and the Taliban to prevent attacks on US troops.
But in the following year, the Taliban continued to target Afghan security forces and civilians, and advance quickly throughout the country.

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