Lebanon’s Caretaker Premier Appealed for Help as a Crisis Heavy – News2IN

Lebanon’s Caretaker Premier Appealed for Help as a Crisis Heavy

Lebanon's Caretaker Premier Appealed for Help as a Crisis Heavy
Written by news2in

Beirut: Prime Minister of Lebanese Sharpening Appeal on Tuesday in the International Community to save his country from “death and death” because some crises encouraged him to be dangerous close to total destruction.
The request Hassan Diab came when he spoke with diplomats in Lebanon, where the para Politicians have failed to agree to form a new government, almost a year after the Diab Cabinet resigned.
The government has acted in the capacity of the management since August 2020, when he decreased following a massive explosion at the Port of Beirut which only increased the country’s crisis.
Diab urged the nations Friendly to extend help despite the lack of new government, saying that linking assistance to reform a very corrupt system has become a “threat to Lebanese ‘life and for state stability.
The Lebanese economic and financial crisis has been going on since the end of 2019, revolving out of control in this country more than 6 million, including more than one million Syrian refugees.
The shortage of foreign currencies has paralyzed the country that depends on imports, leaving residents struggling to find fuel, drugs and basic equipment.
Daily power outages lasted hours, threatening hospitals and food stores, and left the whole environment in the dark.
The World Bank called it one of the worst crises since the 1850s and described the economic contraction of Lebanon as brutal.
The national currency lost nearly 95% of the value, dropped the middle-income state into poverty.
Inflation and unemployment soaring and professional waves have migrated abroad, looking for a better life.
The political crisis was rooted in the decade of corruption and mismanaged by the post-war political class which had a little debt accumulation and was carried out to encourage the local industry.
The bank, once the country’s boom sector has been wearing capital control and informal depositors cannot freely access their accounts.
Lebanon has been promised billions in international assistance, while waiting for the reform plan to handle corruption.
But competing for power and trade errors, the political elite never agreed.
“What sin has done Lebanon to pay a respectable price? Are the Lebanese people die at the hospital door on the way to hold corrupt responsibilities?” “Diab said.” I begged you to the kings, prince, president and leaders of the brotherhood and friendly countries, and I called the United Nations and all international bodies, international communities, and global public opinion to help save Lebanese people from death and prevent Lebanon’s death , “he told the diplomats.” Lebanon is a few more days of social explosion, “he added.” Lebanon face this dark fate alone.

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