Less traffic, but last year saw more road deaths from 2019 – News2IN

Less traffic, but last year saw more road deaths from 2019

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: For about six months last year, there was a significant decline in traffic volume throughout the city because of the kuncian, but when it came to the death of the road, the figure jumped around 37% compared to 2019, said the data compiled by safer roads for Gurugram ( SRFG).
According to data based on the pine submitted by city police, a safer road for Gurugram (SRFG) has claimed that while the number of road accidents fell by 2020 compared to the previous year, more deaths had been recorded.
SRFG is the initiative of the Haryana Department of Transportation in collaboration with Anheuser Busch Inbev.
While in 2020, 375 the deaths of accidents on the road were reported, the number was 235 in 2019.
According to data, the city witnessed 880 accidents last year compared to 1,157 in 2019.
Wise data details revealed that the maximum number of accidents recorded in January and February When locking doesn’t kick.
That number was the lowest between April and June 2020 with 110 accidents – almost half of what was recorded in the same period.
National locking has been put in place for these months.
The numbers rise again in the next half of the year when restrictions on the trip were appointed.
Road safety experts have said that because fewer vehicles on the road, the number of accidents also dropped.
But the crash was mostly fatal.
The traffic police department said that because most of the roads were largely empty there was an increase in the number of cases of speeding in 2020.
Of the 375 road deaths recorded last year, 62% of cases related to driving rashes.
Road safety experts say the severity of the accident increased in the days of slender traffic because of the lack of safety measures, such as track separation, the right lighting, the absence of traffic cameras and personnel.
Last year, most accidents were recorded in Pataudi Road.
“There are no steps to calm the speed on the spot.
The road has properties on both sides and many internal roads lead to some point, making it susceptible to accidents.
The area where the road intersects with a dwarka toll road that is less dangerous construction.
Almost nothing Signage on the road and the surface is rough.
The situation is similar to Sohna Road, “said City-based road safety expert rental RAM.
In the past five years, Honda Chowk Hero, one of the busiest areas in the city, has witnessed more than 82 accidents, which leads to eight deaths.
SRFG, in his assessment, knows that four-legged intersections do not have barricades on the round track.
There is no road sign or stop the line for pedestrian crossing too.
Recently, SFRG collaborated with the Indian National Highway and Authority Department (NHAI) to improve the intersection design.
“We designed a larger island to act as a pedestrian protection area, along with a fence, to regulate pedestrian movements.
We also built a pedestrian warehouse that acted as a pickup / drop-off area for automatic rickshaws and taxis.
We also installed it Lane markers, shoulder markers and road buttons, “said Ab Inbev Vice President Anasuya Ray.
Although the traffic police department said that they increased Vigil, experts say more stringent steps must be taken to ensure safer roads.
“Lockdown is the right time for the government to conduct safety audits on these roads and produce specific steps of the region.
There must be technological integration, such as cameras, and police whereabouts at vulnerable points.
Lack of vigilance in the form of a camera, step- Steps to calm the speed and the presence of the police lead to violations, “RAM added.

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