Let friendship between AIDMK and BJP grow: Annamalai – News2IN

Let friendship between AIDMK and BJP grow: Annamalai

Let friendship between AIDMK and BJP grow: Annamalai
Written by news2in

Chennai: K Annamalai, the newly appointed Tamil Nadu BJP unit president, on Saturday hinted that the alliance between AIDMK and BJP would continue.
“Let friendship between the AIADMK and BJP parties and prosperity of Tamil grow …” Annamalai tweeted while thanking the coordinator of the AIDMK O Panneerselvam who contacted him by telephone to congratulate him appointed as head of state state.
Can be remembered that the former Minister and Senior AIDMK leader C Ve Shanmugam caused controversy to openly states that the Alliance with the Safron Party has caused the disaster of his party in the poll.
He said AIDMK had lost a minority bank because the party had an alliance of election with BJP.
Op acts quickly to control damage.
He tweeting confirmed Faith Aiadmk at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and explained that the Alliance with the Safron Party would continue.
However, there was anxiety between them when Senior BJP leaders wanted AIDMK leaders to take action against Shanmugam.

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