Letter: IPS Officer Kartik Jivani won 8th in UPSC – News2IN

Letter: IPS Officer Kartik Jivani won 8th in UPSC

Letter: IPS Officer Kartik Jivani won 8th in UPSC
Written by news2in

Letter: Already an IPS Officer of Gujarat Cadre, Kartik Jivani (26), a mechanical engineer has made the city of diamonds proud of securing the eighth position in the UNION Public Commission (UPSC) exam, the results announced on Friday.
In the third attempt to break the exam, Jivani made a kind of record by securing the highest rank from Gujarat in the history of the civil servant examination in the state.
Jivani has cleared the UPSC exam twice in the past and was chosen for IPS in its first effort.
In 2018, Jivani secured the rank 94th and was chosen for IPS.
But maintaining an IAS dream, he, however, emerged in the exam again in 2019 and ranked 84th in the results announced in August 2020.
Jivani drew inspiration from the epidemic that the letter fought in 1994 – plague.
As a young man, he grew read about the work of S R Rao who was tireless, an IAS and former Commissioner of the city of the city, who restructured the city after the plague and wanted to become an officer of IAS like him.
Rao gathered national recognition for his efforts when he brought the city above the cleanest city in the country after the plague.
“Cartik is currently in training for IPS in Hyderabad and he appears in the exam during a special leave of 15 days.
He wants to be an officer IAS and therefore, he appears again and secures the highest rank of candidates from Gujarat,” said Dr.
Nagjibhai, “said Dr.
Nagjibhai, experts Jivani’s pathology and father.
Jivani spent 10 hours every day for preparation and studied most at night.
Valid comes from Gariyadhar Village in Bhavnagar District, Jivanis settled in the city for years now.

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