Light showering possibilities in the city today, IMD issued a yellow warning – News2IN

Light showering possibilities in the city today, IMD issued a yellow warning

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: The thick layer of fog enveloped the city on Thursday morning with a minimum temperature up to 8.3 degrees Celsius, three notches above normal, from 7.2 degrees Celsius the previous day.
Temperature during the day also rose slightly up to 17.5 degrees Celsius – three notches below normal.
It was 16.8 degrees Celsius on Wednesday.
The IMD has issued a ‘yellow warning’ for the city, predicting light rain that can be accompanied by a storm and lightning, today and tomorrow.
The minimum temperature is expected to rise 2-4 degrees Celsius for the next 2-3 days.
However, during the daytime temperatures can dip 14 degrees Celsius on Sundays, because it rains and cloudy conditions and the city will once again witness cooler days.
Since the first week of this month, the maximum temperature in the city has lived below the normal value of the season.
“Fresh Western disorders will affect the area and will bring scattered to heavy rain from Friday, peaking in intensity on Saturday.
There is also a possibility of drizzling on Sunday.
Strong surface wind at a speed of 20-30 kmps is likely to win for two days to Home.
With changes in the wind pattern, the minimum temperature is likely to increase 2-4 degrees Celsius for the next 2-3 days and fall 3-5 degrees Celsius afterwards, “said IMD official.
According to IMD estimates, there will be a cloudy condition with the possibility of light or drizzling rain on Friday night.
The minimum and maximum temperature is expected to direct around 9 and 17 degrees Celsius, with superficial fog to the morning hours.
City air quality remains in a very bad category for the third day in a row.
The whole Aqi was at 324, slightly down from 328 the previous day.
It was 315 on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the temperature surged in Delhi on Thursday, ending the longest cold day spell experienced by various regions in the city since the last 7-10 days.
However, some Driszling instances, however, caused a solid fog formation in the morning carrying a 50 meter visibility at Palam and 400m in Safdarjung between 7am and 9 in the morning.
Misty conditions can continue, the Meteorology Department of India (IMD) said.
I also estimated the possibility of rainfall in Delhi and surrounding areas between the night of January 21 and the morning of January 24 because of the passage of Western disorders in the region.

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