Lingapuram bridge sinks again – News2IN

Lingapuram bridge sinks again

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: Residents of Lingapuram Village in Mettupalayam looked at the threat of interrupted from other villages once again, with the bridge that connected them to sink under the water of the river.
The river has been in the Spate after thick rainfall in the water catchment area and the water.
The current level has risen about 1 foot on the bridge.
For now, motorists and pedestrians can navigate water on the bridge.
But they are worried that the surface of the water can rise further in the coming days, it can not be able to use the bridge.m ammasikerni, a farmer from Lingapuram, said, “We want a faster and permanent solution to the problems we face every season.
The new bridge must be built.
“Even though there is not much rain in the Mettupalayam area, heavy shower in the water catchment area and in Western Ghats over the past few days has increased the flow of water on the river.
The only right way to reach other villages from Lingapuram across the river width of 300 meters is a bridge, which was built in 2004.
Locity fell in the Bhavanisagar Dam Backwater Area and every time there was a high flow of water during the rainy season, the bridge remained sinking.
The villagers showed that the bridge had sank the following year the construction in 2005, forcing them to depend on alternative ways to reach the village.
Walau sink bridges, the public will use the Coracle service to cross the river or take alternative paths to cross the river or take the path alternative.
Through a side side by side, 10 km long.
For a long time, residents have demanded the government to increase the height of the bridge.
The district government has assured that the new bridge will be built as soon as the state government goes forward.
The state highway department official also said they were ready to build a new bridge and had been looking for details from Sirumugai Pancayat.

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