LinkedIn Turns Off ‘Story’ Features in One Year of Launch – News2IN

LinkedIn Turns Off ‘Story’ Features in One Year of Launch

LinkedIn Turns Off 'Story' Features in One Year of Launch
Written by news2in

New Delhi: LinkedIn introduced a feature called ‘Stories’, popularized by Snapchat and then adopted by Instagram as a story.
In one year the launch of LinkedIn Stories, the company felt that the story did not have the future and had announced that it turned off the story starting this month.
Introduced in February last year, professional social networks decided to get rid of features after user feedback.
LinkedIn found that the user on the platform does not want to disappear video.
“In developing stories, we assume people don’t want informal videos attached to their profiles, and Ephemeritas will reduce the obstacles that people feel about posts.
Apparently, you want to make a long-lasting video that tells your professional story in a more personal way and showing off personality And your expertise, “said Liz Li, Director of Senior Product, LinkedIn.
Linkedin also thanked users who use the story feature.
and share their bite-sized video content.
This is not the first time the social media platform has removed the story feature.
In July this year, Twitter also killed ‘fleet’ features like the story.
Just like LinkedIn, Twitter also noticed that users did not respond to Ephemeral videos in the way they wanted.
“We hope that the fleet will help more people feel comfortable joining conversations on Twitter.
However, when we introduce fleets to everyone, we have not seen an increase in new people who join conversations with fleets as we expected,” Twitter said at Blog post.
Meanwhile, online reports show that LinkedIn works on a rival clubhouse.
As reported by TechCrunch, LinkedIn is developing its own audio network feature.
In a statement to TechCrunch, LinkedIn said, “We are doing a number of initial tests to create a unique audio experience that is connected to your professional identity.
And, we are looking at how we can bring audio to other parts of the events and groups, to give members We have more ways to connect to their community.

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