Lions at Zoo Vandalur Chennai Free from Covid-19 – News2IN

Lions at Zoo Vandalur Chennai Free from Covid-19

Lions at Zoo Vandalur Chennai Free from Covid-19
Written by news2in

Chennai: The Lion Safari area in Zoologian Park Arignar Anna in Vandalur, which accommodates Seven Covid-19 infected with large cats, now echoing with the roar because they have recovered from infection.
For almost a month ago, the constant cough of the sick felins had sent alarm bells ringing among staff.
Now, the director of the Debasis Zoo Zoo told Tii, there was a relief because all seven lions had been tested negatively and healthy.
Their diet has also been returned to beef and hearts every day, he said.
On care, Jana said it was a challenging task because lions could not be handled like humans.
“There is a limit in the treatment of wildlife in captivity,” he said.
An veterinarian team along with animal guards constantly monitor them, checking their respiratory level and body temperature regularly using a thermal image camera from a distance.
They are given the same medicines given to humans infected by viral antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and steroid drugs.
They also experience nebulisasi treatment which is a challenge when animals continue to move up and down at home.
Only when every lion lay down that the veterinarian fucked the nebulizer which was attached to the stick through the bar and made it close to the nose.
This tiring process lasts almost four hours for every animal, but the monitoring team manages it, he said.
During treatment, veterinarians pay attention to kidney problems in two lions and use enteric dialysis to heal it.
Two of the seven lions were very old and had to be given a fluid diet for about 10 days to help them recover.
Previously, as soon as the lion was tested positive for Covid-19, the zoo manager changed their food.
“Usually, we provide every lion with seven kg of beef and one half kg of liver.
This is converted into chicken, chicken soup, mutton soup every day for almost 45 days,” he said.
Since the third week of July, animals have got their normal diet and released to the open during the day, Jana added.

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