List of countries that use Pegasus are truly wrong: NSO Group – News2IN
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List of countries that use Pegasus are truly wrong: NSO Group

List of countries that use Pegasus are truly wrong: NSO Group
Written by news2in

New Delhi: NSO Group, a private cyber security company, responded to questions caused by Ani after media reports published on July 17 by the news outlet consortium that accused the target, mass digital intrusion surgery seems to be the purpose of supervision by a number of nations in its citizens.
The list of countries including India and Per Media reported journalists, government members, opposition and other Indian citizens other are the target of ‘spyware’ attacks, using the NSO Group software, ‘Pegasus’.
The pursuit of the media reported “international conspiracy”, authoritative sources in the NSO group spoke with Ani in recent revelations in the ‘Pegasus Project’, as referred to by the media group that reported alleged leakage.
Have you been contracted to work with the Indian government in any capacity? In particular, having pegasus software has been purchased by the Indonesian government or other entities related to the Indonesian Government? I can’t refer to any customer, the list of countries that we sell pegasus is confidential information.
I can’t talk about certain customers but the list of countries in this story is really wrong some even not our clients.
We only sell to the government and it is for law enforcement and government intelligence organizations.
The thorough test is done, we subscribe to all UN guiding principles before and after sales.
There is no violation of any international system.
If it’s the problem, then how do you get all Indian telephone numbers in your system? The explanation is unclear about this, please clarify how this phone number appears into your ownership? We are a technology company, we have no numbers or we also do not have data, which remain with clients who get our technology.
No, no server or computer with us where data is stored when our technology is given to customers.
Media reports accuse that forensic analysis is carried out from cellphones that are influenced by Pegasus, which confirms the infiltration by the software.
What explains this? Where is the proof? We are used to this accusation.
There is no evidence given, they rely on anything.
They approached us by saying 50,000 Pegasus targets were considered.
It’s ridiculous! We sell licenses, we know that this is impossibility.
What has come out in the report so far is that of 50,000 now they seem to talk about 180, from 180 it has now dropped to 37 and …
now it seems to be in fact 12.
What about the telephone number, please explain it.
We have a reason to believe that they use some services such as HLR lookup, this is a free service.
Anyone can enter, enter numbers and get all data, including names, numbers, roaming, location.
There is a possibility of no violation in several service providers similar to HLR search.
And if they say 50,000, it can be a random list like a kind of vaccination list.
We don’t know how they get it but this is not from one of our systems.
We are the first cyber company to comply with all human rights guidelines, we only have credible clients.
We conduct an open investigation, every time a complaint enters.
In the past we have turned off sales or services, if there are doubts.
We are the only cyber intelligence company that has so many firewalls and has published transparency reports.
The NSO group develops the technology that saves life.
People who buy our services are in business prevent terrorism and catch criminals such as pedophiles.
In the list that has been published from the countries affected by Pegasus, India is the only democracy mentioned.
It has been surprising for many of us …
the majority of our clients are Western democracy.
Are you saying that maybe your competitors make all this? Initially it could be a competitor but this was a lot of trouble going for technology companies.
This is clearly some international conspiracy.
The whole idea of ​​Pegasus is to fight terror and crime and those who buy this service try to solve terror attention that uses end-to-end encryption.
Legal institutions have no other way to fight terror in addition to using credible technologies like us who have several regulatory firewalls and human rights policies and verification processes.

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