Ludhiana: A 52-year-old man from Lohara died of Covid-19 and 40 of the district residents tested positive here on Sunday.
The total Toch Kabuk has increased to 2,118 and that the outsider here is 1.061.
For date, 30.12,625 samples have been tested.
Of the 40 new cases, five are positive patient contacts, six of the flu corner, 20 of the flu, three are health workers, one is a case of severe acute respiratory infections, three traced and two are international travelers (each from Australia and the United States ).
Four people from outside the district were also tested positive here.
The district case count has increased to 87,885 and the outsiders here is 11,786.SO far, 85,623 patients have recovered, which is 97.43% of the total cases.
There are 144 active cases.
On that day, the number of samples taken was 2,582.