Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla urges parliamentarians to maintain courtesy at home – News2IN

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla urges parliamentarians to maintain courtesy at home

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla urges parliamentarians to maintain courtesy at home
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The day after Venkaiiah Naidu’s vice president, who is also the Chair of Rajya Sabha, gave a call to “People’s Movement” to influence the behavior of 5,000 MPs, MLC and MLC in the body to make a difference from now on, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla advised the para MPs to maintain “certain courtesy” at home.
Revealing his sadness over the upstream in parliament during the recent rainy season session, Birla said members of the two houses must maintain dignity when sharing their views.
Birla, who was visiting two Union (UTS) regions from Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh, said the agreement and disagreement were part of democracy but members must maintain certain courtesy when debating the problem.
“Parliamentarians have privileges to express their views.
I always try to give them extra time in parliament to share their opinions,” he said.
“Indian democracy is democracy from a free expression, the democracy of the people’s elected institutions.
The agreement and disagreement are part of democracy but I hope the members maintain certain politeness in parliament.” “Parliament must work ethically, our behavior must be such that we can play the role of guidelines for other democratic institutions,” said Lok Sabha’s speaker.
On Tuesday, Venkaiiah Naidu called for ‘Mission 5000’ and confirmed that such a campaign was needed to save parliamentary democracy from losing sheen and appealing.
He also expressed concern for increased disturbances in the legislature and “quality declining” the country’s parliamentary democracy.
While giving the first ‘Pranab Mukherjee Memorial of Lecture’ in the theme ‘constitutionalism; Guarantor Democracy and Inclusive Growth ‘Organized by’ Pranab Mukherjee Legacy Foundation ‘on the opportunity to commemorate the first death of the former President of India through video conferencing, Naidu speaks at length on the consequences of dysfunctional disorders and legislature.
Naidu noted that protests on the floor of the legislature were fine as long as they did not violate the dignity and house.
He said: “Protest against negligence and government commissions on the legislative floor is the right of legislators.
But the emotional basics of such protests should not cross the limits of courtesy and decorum that must mark parliamentary democracy.
To ensure this, I have advocated that ‘Leave it The government proposes, opposition opposition and home throws away.
“He regrets disturbed and dysfunctional legislative can disrupt the lives of our nation and dreams.
He describes the contour ‘Mission 5000’ which is intended to change the behavior of 5000 legislators selected from time to time.
Under this mission, Naidu urged “awakened citizens” to identify bullies and question them during their visit to each constituency or region; Launch a 5000 social media mission to handle and post the names of disturbances along with comments; Hold a meeting to discuss legislative functions and its members; Write a letter to news days voicing worries for the behavior of the bullies; Send a direct concern message to such legislators and more importantly, to consider parliamentary performance and selected representative behavior when choosing in the next election.
Naidu urged all members of parliament, MLA and MLC throughout the country to decide not to disturb houses in the 75th year of independence.
He said: “After that, I can convince them that it will be a habit that feels the aroma of constructive behavior in the legislature and appreciation to be obtained from the media and people in general.” Lok Sabha was postponed in Sine died on August 11 which ended the Monsun session throughout the month.
This session began on July 19 and was scheduled to continue until August 13.
The lower building is postponed because the period is infinite by Om Birla, who is in the chair.
(With input from agency)

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