Look at the sky for pigeons to communicate orders, said SC, need safe channel to send orders – News2IN

Look at the sky for pigeons to communicate orders, said SC, need safe channel to send orders

Look at the sky for pigeons to communicate orders, said SC, need safe channel to send orders
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Annoyed Report on Delays in Implementation of Guarantee orders, the Supreme Court Friday said it would apply “safe, credible and authentic channels” to transmission orders for execution, say in the digital era, “we are still looking.
In the sky to communicate to communicate Order “.
Judiciary Head of India (CJI) NV Ramana-LED Bench at the increase in the number of reports on delays in the implementation of orders passed by the upper Court and recently took Suo Motu recognition of a delay report by Uttar Pradesh’s authority in releasing 13 detainees given by the guarantee on July 8.
The convicts, the teenagers at the time of violations were submitted in Agra Central Jail for menstruation from around 14 to 22 years in a murder case.
Immediately after taking the Suo Motu case, a special bench, also consisted of Judge-Haknes, Nageswara Rao and as Bopanna, looking for a proposal from the Secretary General of the APEX court within two weeks to implement a scheme aimed at revolutionizing the transmission of orders concerned with “fast and safe ways” , “I direct the Secretary General of the Supreme Court to place a report within two weeks so we will try to apply the scheme in a month,” Cji said.
In the audience carried out through video conferencing, the bench bench also directed all countries to respond to the availability of internet connections in prison throughout the country because without the transmission of this facility for prison would not be possible.
Immediately after the bench took this case, it refers to the delay in the release of 13 prisoners from the Agra prison even though the APEX court provided a guarantee to them say “this is a situation and this is too much”.
“This court has passed orders that released prisoners but they were not released by saying they had not received a copy of the order.
It’s too much”, he said.
Lawyer General Tushar Mehta marked examples in which several defendants had tried to fulfilled the court order and said the prison authorities had to act on orders after they were uploaded on the official court website.
“We are in the era of information and communication technology and we still see the sky for Merpati to communicate orders,” Cji said.
Baptism as faster (fast and safe electronic recording transmission), innovative schemes understood for shipping orders to interested prisons, district courts, high courts, because the case is possible, for instant order delivery which was passed by the APEX court through the APEX court through safe , Communication channels, sources say about the system to be implemented.
“This will save time and effort and will ensure that there is no delay in the implementation of orders that are passed by the Supreme Court,” they said.
The upper court appointed senior advocate Dushyant Dave as Amicus Curiae because he helped him in implementing the scheme and asked the Secretary General to coordinate with him before sending a proposal to the bench.
The Secretary General will also work with a public lawyer on this issue, he said.
The top court on July 13 has taken the awareness of Suo Motu for the delay in the authority of Uttar Pradesh in releasing 13 detainees granted by guarantee because of July 8.
13 Inmates have approached their court, claiming their detention as “illegal.” Because there was an order clearly passed by the Juji Justice Council in connection with each of them in various intervals between February 2017 and March 2021, declaring their teenagers at the time of murder.

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