Look closer to the case of Aafia Siddiqui, imprisoned in Texas – News2IN

Look closer to the case of Aafia Siddiqui, imprisoned in Texas

Look closer to the case of Aafia Siddiqui, imprisoned in Texas
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The man who is authorized to kill was holding hostage in the synagogue Texas on Saturday demanded the release of a Pakistani woman who was imprisoned nearby on charges of trying to kill American service members in Afghanistan.
The woman, Aafia Siddiqui, serving a 86-year prison sentence after being convicted in Manhattan in 2010 on charges that he berupayau to shoot US military officer while detained in Afghanistan two years earlier.
For the Department of Justice, which accused the Siddiqui became operative of al-Qaida, it is a significant confidence in the fight against international extremism.
But for supporters, many of whom believe in her innocence, the case was realizing what they see as judicial judicial post September 11th.
Here is a closer with this case: Who Aafia Siddiqui: He is a Pakistani scientist who studied in the US at the Prestigious Institution – Brandeis University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He drew the attention of American law enforcement in the years after the September 11 attacks.
Department FBI and justice top describing it as “Al-Qaida Operative and facilitator ‘at a press conference that they warn about the intelligence shows al-Qaeda planning attacks in the next few months.
In 2008, he was detained by the authorities.
In Afghanistan, US officials say they find the handwritten notes of ownership are discussing the construction of the so-called “ dirty bomb ” and include a variety of locations in the US that can be targeted in the `attack mass casualties.
” interview room at the police compound Afghanistan, authorities said, he grabbed a rifle M-4 of one of the officers of the uS Army and fired on the uS team assigned to interrogate him.
he was convicted in 2010 for trying to do kill our citizens outside the United States.
on hearing his sentence, he gave a statement babbling where he delivered a message of world peace _ and also forgave the judge.
He expressed frustration at the arguments of its own law.
Yers who said he deserved punishment because he’s mentally ill.
“ I’m not paranoid, ” he said at one point.
“ I do not agree with it.
” What was his reaction? Pakistani officials immediately instill punishment, which prompted protests in various cities and criticism in the media.
Prime Minister at the time, Yousuf Raza Gilani, calling her “the daughter of the nation” and vowed to campaign for his release from prison.
In the years since, Pakistani leaders have openly waving the idea of ​​exchanging or offering that may result in his release, the Executive Director Faizan , the Executive Council on American-Islamic Relations in Dallas Fort-Worth Texas, said the group considers to be “ Siddiqui trapped in the war against teror` and as well as a political prisoner who falsely accused through flawed evidence.
He remained firmly condemned the landscape, calling it wrong , vile and `something really damaging to our efforts to get Dr.
Aaifa released.
” he also has garnered support from militants accused in the United States.
A man ohio who admitted he planned to kill members of the uS military after receiving training in Syria also plans to fly to Texas and attacking a prison fe deral where Siddiqui was arrested in an attempt to free him.
Men, abd Irahman Sheik Mohamud, was sentenced in 2018 to 22 years in prison.
What is the latest on the prison Siddiqui? Siddiqui was detained in a federal prison in Fort Worth, Texas.
He was attacked in July by another inmate at the facility and suffered serious injuries, according to court documents.
In a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of prisons, lawyers Siddiqui said other inmates “ destroy coffee mug filled with hot liquid scaling ” to his face.
When Siddiqui curled in a fetal position, another woman began punching and kicking him, left him with injuries so severe that she needed to be taken by wheelchair to the prison medical unit, the lawsuit said.
Siddiqui was left with burns around his eyes and a three-inch scar near his left eye, the lawsuit said.
He also suffered bruises on her arms and legs and injuries to his cheek.
The attack was encouraging protests by human rights activists and religious groups, calling for improved prison conditions.
The activists also called on the Pakistani government to fight for his release from custody U.S.

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