Los Angeles Health Official Recommends Indoor Masks – News2IN

Los Angeles Health Official Recommends Indoor Masks

Los Angeles Health Official Recommends Indoor Masks
Written by news2in

LOS ANGELES: Public Health Officials in Los Angeles Regency have highly recommended that local residents wear masks in public places due to increased circulation of Delta Covid-19 variant which greatly transmits throughout the US.
Public Health Department Los Angeles said in a statement on Tuesday that places include settings such as “food or retail stores; Theater and family entertainment center, and workplace when you do not know the vaccination status of everyone”, Xinhua news agency reported.
It is the second day in a row for the department to urge people to cover again in all public places in the room, regardless of vaccination status.
Masks are no longer needed for individuals who are fully vaccinated in most public arrangements in California after the State announced his decision to reopen its economy on June 15.
On the week ended June 12, the Delta variant contributed almost half of all variants sorted in Los Angeles Regency, according to the department.
Health officials show that people who are fully vaccinated seem to be protected well from infections with Delta variants, but people with only one vaccine dose of pfizer or modern are equally unprotected.
US centers for controlling and prevention of disease said that the Delta variant is now responsible for one of every five new infections throughout the country, up from about one every 10 weeks.
“People who are fully vaccinated well protected against serious diseases and diseases caused by a variant of the concern including the Delta variant,” said the Director of Public Health Barbara Ferrer in the statement on Tuesday, added that he encouraged all those who qualified and not can see again.
All installation information on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
“Ninety-nine percent of all new Covid-19 cases and hospitalization since January have been among individuals who are not vaccinated and 99.8 percent of people who tragically die have been not vaccinated.
Getting vaccination is the strongest protection for you And your community.
“Recorded Ferrer.
Los Angeles County, home to more than 10 million residents, has been a center for pandemic in California and the country.
But new cases, death and related hospitalization have dropped in the county amid the vaccine launch.
Public Health Department Los Angeles County reported a total of 1,249,835 cases confirmed, with 24,482 deaths.

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