Lu exam researchers after 50 inmates from 3 positive covid test hostels – News2IN

Lu exam researchers after 50 inmates from 3 positive covid test hostels

Lu exam researchers after 50 inmates from 3 positive covid test hostels
Written by news2in

Lucknow: Lucknow University on Thursday postponed the exam scheduled from Friday after around 50 students – all prisoners of Habibullah, Mahmudabad and Lal Bahadur Shastri Hostels – were tested positive for Covid-19.
A total of 32 students from Habibullah Boys’ Hostel, 10 of the Hostel Mahmudabad Boys and eight of Hostel Lal Bahadur Shastri Boys shared their positive Covid-19 report with TOI on Thursday.
Safe! You have managed to throw your votoggin to see MSc students produced, living in the Nivedita Girls hostel, also tested positively.
He then left the hostel with his guardian.
The remaining students are also tested and the report is awaited.
After the outbreak on campus, Lucknow University Associated College Abougers’ Association also threatened to boycott the exam given the increase in cases.
Lu’s spokesman Durgesh Srivastava said, “The university has conducted a suspended inspection.
This will schedule all tests between January 15 and 31.
The next check schedule will be announced soon.”
Previously, three students, two of Mahmudabad and one of Habibullah Hostel, were tested positive after the RT-PCR test carried out by inmates by health officials from the CMO office.
While some students leave hostels, those who are scheduled to remain back.
“There are 149 students in my hostel and only 40 first year students left because their exam is scheduled for next month but we have no luxury,” said Ayush Pathak BSC students, residents of Habibullah Hostel.
“I provide a practical exam of my zoology today where the following social distance is impossible because 32 students are in the same hall, using the same apparatus,” Pathak said.
Other students, Arya Mishra said, “This situation can be avoided by examining delays.”
Students accuse that university administrative negligence is the reason behind Spurt in the Covid-19 case on campus.
Lu Provost’s head Nalini Pandey said, “We will quarantine all infected students in the hostel themselves.
They will be given food in disposable while those who want to go home will be allowed to leave if their guardians come to take it and their condition is not serious.”
“We cannot risk to allow students from the place of Uttarakhand or far to travel in such conditions.
They are not only students but our children too and be careful will be taken,” he said.
Previously, the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) has also announced to postpone the examination after the Covid case was reported on campus.

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