Lucknow: Two arrested for squeezing rotten videos – News2IN

Lucknow: Two arrested for squeezing rotten videos

Lucknow: Two arrested for squeezing rotten videos
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The team with Wing Cyber ​​Wing and the Mahanagar police on Monday arrested two people for allegedly extorting money from people by making their obscene videos.
I was identified as Mohit Singh from Hamirpur and Vivek Singh from Banda District, the defendant used to identify the number of a number of girls will make video calls and pamper themselves in obscene acts.
All recorded calls, videos are then used to squeeze the victim.
Similar casts came to the recent light in Hazratgaj where the deskt had made a obscene video from a senior official posted in the government department.
Sho, Mahanagar, Pradeep Kumar Singh said the name of the defendant emerged during an investigation into a nesting case in Mahanagar on June 22.
A businessman, in his complaint, has stated that he got a video call from a girl involved in obscene.
While the victim cut off the phone, a little later, a young man made a normal call to the victim to squeeze it.
He was asked to pay Rs 30 Crore for video deletion.
The police said the victim, instead of giving money, submit a case.
“The young men have applied tricks on several people and have realized a large amount of money.
In some cases, the victim did not file any complaints to avoid facing social disgrace,” Kumar said.

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