Ludhiana: Covid-19 case continues to increase in Ludhiana on Saturday 610 people, 561 from the district including 56 health care workers, positively tested the disease even because there is one death from disease here.
On Friday 345 people, 324 of the district had been tested positively this disease.
According to the health bulletin, the death of a patient from Himachal Pradesh was reported from Ludhiana Hospital here on Saturday.
Meanwhile, the Department of Health Officers who were without death from Ludhiana, the total number of regency deaths remained at 2120 while 1066 of the district / state death had been reported at Ludhiana Hospital until now.
The Ministry of Health said that until the 3030687 suspects were tested for Covid in the Ludhiana district.
It added that from 561 cases from Ludhiana, 34 was a positive patient contact, 81 came from OPD, 279 from the corner of the flu with influenza such as disease, 56 was a health care worker, ANC 1, 109 patients were being tracked and one was the police personnel.
49 people from other areas were tested positive for disease on Saturday.
Local Health Officials said that until Saturday the number of patients from Ludhiana Regency was 89424 while with the number of cases from outside / state districts increased to 11976.
Civil surgeons said that until now 85653 Positive Covid patients had recovered in the district of Ludhiana which was 95.78% Of the total cases.