Lungs, liver, kidneys: the most painful covid – News2IN

Lungs, liver, kidneys: the most painful covid

Lungs, liver, kidneys: the most painful covid
Written by news2in

New Delhi: After the lungs, liver and kidneys are the most affected in patients with severe Covid-19.
It has been confirmed by research conducted at AIIMS, which involves checking tissue samples taken from various organs of 37 patients who surrendered to this disease.
Doctors found heart involvement much lower than anticipated.
“Further research is to understand how the virus affects different organs.
This will help us compile strategically how to treat patients and also turn on potential post-covid complications,” a senior doctor who participated in this study to TOI.
Initially, it was estimated that Covid-19 is basically a respiratory infection that mainly affects the lungs, but then reveals that many organs are affected.
Naveet Wig, appropriate research writer, told TII that their analysis had confirmed that the lungs were the most affected organs in the case of severe Covid-19.
Asked about the damage seen in the samples of liver and kidney tissue, he added that some changes could be caused by the underlying disease.
Examination of network samples revealed that 78% of patients who had died suffered acute injury in the lungs, 37.5% were related to bronchopneumonia, pneumonia which caused inflammation in a tiny air bag that helped the lungs exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the flow Blood, and micro lumps are scattered visualized in 21% samples.
It was also revealed that the sample of 71% had increased the activity of Kupfer cells, the first line of defense for the liver, 27.5% had evidence of liver cell death and 14% had a feature of acute chronic liver failure.
Kidney samples show that almost every dead patient has acute injury in small structures such as organ tubes that remove salt, excess fluid and product waste from the blood.
None of the patients who show microvascular thrombosis or the formation of lumps in the kidneys.
All heart biopsy shows non-specific features, such as hypertrophy with nucleoegali without proof of myocardial necrosis (cell death responsible for producing contractil strength in the intact heart).
A senior doctor at AIIM said that organ biopsy was an important step to understand the disease.
“Many studies conducted abroad have shown the formation of lumps in organs as important causes of death.
However, in our study, clots are not visible in network samples.
It can also be because in our country anti-coagulant, drugs to prevent formation Clumps, given to almost all patients with severe Covid-19 infection, “Doctor added.

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