Madness of Modi Bashing changes to the conspiracy for Bashing India: BJP about Ansari’s statement – News2IN

Madness of Modi Bashing changes to the conspiracy for Bashing India: BJP about Ansari’s statement

Madness of Modi Bashing changes to the conspiracy for Bashing India: BJP about Ansari's statement
Written by news2in

New Delhi: BJP on Thursday condemned former Vice President Hamid Ansari for his remarks on cultural nationalism, saying that “Madness Bashing Prime Minister Narendra Narendra has turned into a conspiracy for Bashing India”.
Speaking at a virtual panel discussion organized by the Indonesian Muslim Council on Wednesday, Ansari said in recent years, trends have emerged and the practice of establishing established civilian nationalism and directed the practice of new and imaginary cultural nationalism.
And it wants to distinguish residents on the basis of their faith, give ventilation to intolerance, he added.
Taking Ansari for his remarks, Union minister and leader BJP Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said on the day when the country celebrated the Republican Day and “Tricolor was brown in Lal Chowk Srinagar, at the same time, someone who held a constitutional position criticized the country, spoke on the platform provided by the platform provided by the platform provided by the platform provided by the platform Organizations that have worked against India and conspire to tarnish their image “.
Naqvi claims that the American Muslim Council “has a relationship with the content and all such organizations involved in conspiracy to disrupt peace and harmony throughout the world”.
He said that “Modi Bashing’s madness turned into a conspiracy for Bashing India, therefore such comments made.
People who are used to exploiting minority sounds are now anxious about the positive atmosphere in the country”.
He said the country always followed the principle of tolerance and secularism, and confirmed that BJP and the government firmly believed in cultural nationalism.

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