Madras university remote education reception up to 80% – News2IN

Madras university remote education reception up to 80%

Madras university remote education reception up to 80%
Written by news2in

Chennai: Registration in the Madras University Distance Mode program has jumped 80 percent compared to last year, in what was seen as a repayment of Welcome to the Pre-Covid level.
While 12,000 students were enrolled in these programs at 2020-21, the number was 22,000 on 2021-22.
The MBA program has attracted the highest number of acceptance, with 8,000 students joining 2021-22.
Safe! You have managed to throw your voteogin to see the results “The number of acceptances has increased to the pre-pandemic level.
Besides MBA, courses like M Com, B Com, MSc (Cyber ​​Forensics), MSc (Psychology counseling) and BA (English) In a large demand, “said K Ravichandran, director of the University Distance Education Institute (IDE).
The IDE offers 16 UG programs, 22 PG programs, 21 Diploma programs and 16 certificate programs.
With more than a month before the reception was closed, officials expected numbers to pass the recorded before the pandemic.
The University Grant Commission (UGC) has allowed ideas to offer BBA, B Com, M, BA (France) and MA in journalism and mass communication, public administration, anthropology, economy and English.
The university will start registration after preparing video infrastructure and video.
“Certificate courses such as design thinking, artificial intelligence such as IITS and IIM will be offered in the future,” said Chancellor S Gowri.
The university has registered with UGC, trying to offer 11 new degree programs, skills and work oriented, and have not received a nod.
It has partnered with the UGC consortium for education communication to offer seven new certificate courses and three diploma courses.
“Along with work-oriented courses, we also want to offer a course that will create citizens who are socially conscious with ethical values,” added representatives of Chancellor.
After the Pandemic Covid-19 hit, the idea of ​​taking an exam in online mode for students.
Now, the upcoming test mode will be decided based on the applicable situation, officials said.

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