Maha 3 wave package: another 4K CR RS is needed – News2IN

Maha 3 wave package: another 4K CR RS is needed

Maha 3 wave package: another 4K CR RS is needed
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Maharashtra can report about 60 lakh new Covid cases during the third wave which is expected in mid-September to October, estimating the public health department carried out by central guidelines.
In the revised projection, the LED Department of Rajesh Topes also said that when the state government had made RS 1,200 Crore conditions in additional demands, additional Rs 4,000 Crore will be needed.
The funds will come from DPDC, CSR, SDRF, MLA and MP Fund, a senior official described.
Additional Secretary of Pradeep Vyas has written a comprehensive letter to all district collectors, Zilla Parishad CEO and district civil surgeons on estimates that have been enhanced from June projections, and plans to fight.
“Because all districts may not reach the peak on the same day, the highest number of active cases in each district must be added and based on it, the state must prepare the peak of 12.95 cases of lakh in the third wave of 8.6 lakh cases during the second wave, “He said.
Of the 12.95 cases of peak lakh, an estimated 8.4 lakh will be under house isolation and 4.5 lakh will need hospitalization (see box).
“From the maximum peak case expected, it is suspected that 65% will be under house isolation, while 17.5% will go to private health facilities, and the rest to public health facilities,” said a senior official.
The official said during the first and second wave, the state witnessed a lack of ventilators and oxygen beds, oxygen, important drugs and ambulants as well.
Now, revised directives have been given to district collectors throughout the state to ensure the problems are not repeated.
Vyas explained that clear planning for infrastructure would be based on the maximum active case reported by a district during the second wave.
The formula: Take the maximum active case and add 50% to the number of active cases expected during the third wave.
Considering central guidelines and opinions from the State Task Force, children’s bed must be established in every health facility – 5% of the total beds at a dedicated Covid Hospital, 10% in special Covid Health centers and 15% in dedicated Covid care centers.
“Lighter cases are observed in the pediatric age group.
Next, the child’s bed must be exactly similar to an adult bed and there is no small baby’s bed to be placed.
Ventilators should only be in the ICU and not elsewhere,” Vyas wrote.

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