MAHA: Oxygen uses creeping, no one is approaching worrying – News2IN

MAHA: Oxygen uses creeping, no one is approaching worrying

MAHA: Oxygen uses creeping, no one is approaching worrying
Written by news2in

Mumbai: For the past week, the average oxygen requirements of the state have reached 300-350MT of the 200MT average.
With Covid active cases jumped almost 1,900% in the past two weeks, the increase was not worrying.
The use of 700MT oxygen is one of the initial parameters set by the state to impose locking.
The peak request during the second wave is around 1,800mt.
The supply of oxygen contributes to the use of medical covid and non-covid.
Senior officials say no additional oxygen requirements will lead the patient, almost 50-60MT is used to fill the storage tank ready for a surge.
Officials said at this time, 3% of the total active cases in the state were on oxygen support.
“With increasing cases, the demand for oxygen has risen in the past few days, but it is not worrying,” said a senior official.
“So far, the cases are light, but the right picture will be clear and a lower vaccinated area begins to report cases,” another official said.
Mumbai has not seen a significant wave in oxygen demand even though the active case has jumped from 4,295 to 1.17,437 – a 2600% increase in just 15 days, said citizenship officials.
At present, 3,129 of 11,312 oxygen beds are occupied.
Civil officials said the city was not close to the 100MT peak needs seen during the second wave.
“We haven’t even gone anywhere near 200mt,” said P Velatu, an additional city of BMC (project).
Last week, a citizenship official said that the city uses 20-30mt.
After the 2021 crisis, the corporation has created a combined storage and 900MT generation capacity.
Neelam Andrade, the Dean of the Jumbo Center in Goregaon, said only eight ward patients from more than 800 were in oxygen.
“Because of limited lung involvement, we have not seen a massive leap in the requirements for oxygen,” he said.
ICU patients need a higher oxygen flow, he said.
“We still see patients who come with bad lungs.
They are mainly not vaccinated and with some comorbidity.
The number is also not out of control,” he said.

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