Maha: Rain, Condong Covid Flood + Vity Prices in Nearly 10 Dists – News2IN

Maha: Rain, Condong Covid Flood + Vity Prices in Nearly 10 Dists

Maha: Rain, Condong Covid Flood + Vity Prices in Nearly 10 Dists
Written by news2in

Pune: Bad weather reduces covid testing in 10 to 12 districts, especially in Maharashtra Barat and the region of Konkan, and continues to influence their overall weekly pepititification level, officials from the Ministry of Health Public said on Thursday.
Solapur, for example, collected 49,580 samples for testing this week.
Last week, it has collected 95,590.
“The current department of Solapur’s weekly participant is 6.8%, compared to 3.6% having the previous week,” said a health official.
Officials said testing was “sure” had an impact on the district that had experienced shiples and floods recently.
Kolhapur, among the most devastated, carried out 60,083 tests, compared with 1,19,236 which had been carried out last week.
This situation is expected to increase.
“Flood waters are receding.
All laboratories are now asked to test testing again,” said an official with the Ministry of Public Health.
Because of the low testing and a positive level increase, some regions (including Solapur and Beed) are also marked as a concern district.
But officials explain the high level of peposititivity is actually the result of low sample collection, because of bad weather.
“The area of ​​Pandharpur and Malshiras certain [both in Solapur] have several active cases, but the district has not been on the radar for the past month.
We have maintained WPR 3.5% -3.8%.
This week has increased to 6.8 %, “said an official, adding that only around 5,000 to 6,000 tests were carried out there because heavy rains.
Plans now to increase the number to 12,000 tests.
Officials from the Pune Division Commissioner Office.
Saying heavy rain also affects contact searches, with many supervision now relying on random testing.
“The overall test has dipped in the Pune division, which is worrying.
But the overall part of the districts in Maharashtra Barat has fallen, as noted in Maharashtra Utara,” said a senior official.
This center has issued a letter to all countries to adopt test strategies, trajectories, treat, and vaccinate.
This is also called strict compliance with Covid prevention measures.
“We have directed all districts to improve testing because tests per million low numbers in 26 districts, compared to the country’s average.
The test per million for this week in the state is 3.65 lakh and only nine districts have registered more than that amount , “said an official.

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