Maha reported 4.1k Covid case, Mumbai 532 in 24 hours – News2IN

Maha reported 4.1k Covid case, Mumbai 532 in 24 hours

Maha reported 4.1k Covid case, Mumbai 532 in 24 hours
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Daily Covid cases in the city soared beyond 500 on Wednesday for the first time since July 15.
The cases in Maharashtra also rose to 4,174, especially because of Spurt in Mumbai and Nashik.
The surge in Mumbai (532) came after the case dropped to the lowest in 196 on August 17 and has triggered a third wave concern.
However, BMC officials said the higher number could be the result of more people who tested themselves for Covid before traveling out of town for the 10-day GanPati Festival which began on Friday.
Death in the state and city continues to be low.
The country recorded 65 deaths, where four were in Mumbai.
The leap in cases in the city is reflected in the fact that the number of closed buildings has increased to 50 of 25 in early August.
Adding panic, the BMC dashboard shows the first detention zone (in slums such as closed buildings) since August 14.
While the zone proved to be located in R-South Ward (Kandivli), Sandhya Nandedkar’s ward officer denied and called this data entry error.
“We only found one case in this slum.
For the detention zone, we need five cases or more,” he said.
In April, the city has 2,800 detention zones.
BMC Executive Health Officer Dr.
Mangala Gomare said the increase could be caused by two factors: more people were tested for ganpati trips and easing restrictions since August 15.
“We carried out nearly 50,000 tests and found the appropriate increase.
In critical cases at the hospital,” said Gomare.
At the Seven Hills Hospital Andheri, who is the main Covid Hospital BMC, daily acceptance has increased by 2% or 3 % every day.
On Wednesday, 35 new patients were accepted, took a bed with 392 at a 1,500 bed hospital.
Discussion about the Covid situation in the state ahead of the GanPati Festival was held in the State Cabinet on Wednesday.
It was decided that the case surge must be monitored and The district administration has been asked to increase testing.
“We have seized the festival in the main way and hope that the rush will go down.
The surge in cases must be carefully monitored, especially in smaller districts, “said an official.
(With input by Richa Pinto)

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