Maha saw 9,974 new Covid cases, 143 deaths – News2IN

Maha saw 9,974 new Covid cases, 143 deaths

Maha saw 9,974 new Covid cases, 143 deaths
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Maharashtra on Sunday reported 9,974 positive cases of Coronavirus and 143 deaths, taking infection calculations to 60,36,821 and the toll became 1.21,286, the state health department said.
A total of 8,562 patients were dismissed during the day, taking a count of recovery in Maharashtra to 57.90,113 so far, leaving the country with 1.22,252 active cases, he said.
Mumbai reported 739 fresh cases and 13 deaths, raising cumulative casiates to 7.20,349 and the number of Covid-19 died up to 15,396.
Division Mumbai, including cities and satellite cities, added 2,188 new cases with calculations and 25 deaths, which raised the total case of being 15,89,869 and their fatalities stated up to 31,858, the report said.
The Nashik division reported 653 cases during the day including 373 infections in the Ahmednagar and 161 districts in Nashik Regency.
Division Pune reported 2,575 new cases including 929 in Satara Regency and 587 in Pune District.
The Kolhapur division added 3,821 infections including 1,192 in Kolhapur Regency and 992 in Sangli Regency, the report said.
Aurangabad Division added 222 cases, the Latur Division 235, Akola Division 176 cases and Nagpur Division 104 during the day.
With 2,10,866 new tests, the number of samples tested so far in Maharashtra have reached, the department said.
Tally Covid-19 Maharashtra is as follows: Positive case 60.36.821, Death of 1.21.286, recovery of 57.90.113, active case 1.22,252, total test of 4,10,42,198, today’s test of 2,10,866.

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