MAHA: Task Force Advise SOP to reopen the school – News2IN

MAHA: Task Force Advise SOP to reopen the school

MAHA: Task Force Advise SOP to reopen the school
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Even because uncertainty continues through the reopening of schools in the state, pediatric task units on Sunday present a list of standard operating procedures (SOP) that must be followed when returning to physical school.
In a virtual presentation organized by the Covid Task Force of the State and State Government, Dr.
Suhas Prabhu Chairperson of the pediatric task force said that surprising school hours, school days, lunch time must be done to avoid crowding and distance.
Prepare a health clinic where it must be carried out by trained school staff or volunteers and must have a basic tool such as thermometer, oximeter, medicine and in the case of sick students must be referred to a special dedicated center.
“Parents should not worry that their children will contract infections in schools and in turn infecting the entire family and new school procedures have been compiled” said Dr.
Prabhu, speaking at the Virtual Seminar ‘Majha Doctor’ organized by the Covid Task Force and the State Government Part.
He said that by reopening the playground, the school is likely to infection in the age group below 18 will rise due to increased exposure and lack of vaccination in this category.
“But that doesn’t mean we can keep them at home all the time.
This will lead to other psychological problems among them.
The only way to keep them safe is to cover, keep social distance and sanitization,” said Dr.
The expert panel has suggested that teaching and non-teaching staff must be fully vaccinated, even de-crowding school buses, vans must be carried out by increasing more trips and even bus drivers and staff must be fully vaccinated.
The AC bus may not be permitted and even the classroom must be ventilated and regulated back to keep the distance.
“Meeting of parents-teachers must be held before reopening the school and regularly to explain to all the procedures and even answer all parents of doubt maybe,” said Dr.
He also said that the teacher must be advised to treat psychological health of students too and in the first few days the school who reopened stress should not be placed only on academics.
“The teacher must be aware of the different backgrounds of students.
Some may have lost family members to Covid, parents from some may have been unemployed.
Dealing with children in a sensitive manner will be needed,” Dr.
Prabhu said.

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