Maharashtra Hardness: Part 144 Worn in Pune – News2IN

Maharashtra Hardness: Part 144 Worn in Pune

Maharashtra Hardness: Part 144 Worn in Pune
Written by news2in

Pune: Pune District Administration on Sunday enforces part 144 CRPC considering stingy stone which took place in several parts Maharashtra recently posted protests on Friday against violence at the end of October.
Orders, issued by collectors of Rajesh Deshmukh, forbid people from disseminating messages and posts on social media platforms that can create communal gaps between groups, and hold meetings, etc.
Said an official.
“This will apply from midnight November 14 to November 20.
On the order, spread messages, etc.
through social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp, which can create communal cracks in the community, prohibited.
Hold a meeting or assembly of five people or More, installing stockpiling and posters that can create communal tensions is prohibited, “he said.
Violators will be demanded based on part 188 IPC, officially more.

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