Maharashtra: Some districts with high short pressure in contact contacts – News2IN

Maharashtra: Some districts with high short pressure in contact contacts

Some districts in state reporting higher than the average covid peposititivity level appear short in contact contacts for each confirmed case.
Maharashtra currently tracks an average of 16 people for each patient.
But some of the main districts and regions – including Pune, Nagpur, Ahmednagar and Kolhapur who have a higher level of participation than the average state of 4.5% – do less.
In Pune District, for example, the authority tracks an average of only 13 close contacts per case the Minister of Health State Rajesh Tope says contact contacts – high-risk contacts – must be above 20.
Officials from the Ministry of Health Public Said they have asked all local authorities To increase supervision, given the threat of the Delta variant, which proved to be more contagious.
The center, has also called for adequate search, testing and isolation.
“Increasing the search from high-risk contacts and low risk is very important.
There should be no setback in the numbers tracked,” said a health ministry official.
According to the data distributed by the Ministry of Health Public Health, only Thane and the latter today traced a number of contacts, on average 23 and 46 people (the highest), respectively.
Data of the Ministry of Health shows that most state districts trace less than 16 close contact per patient — 6 high risk and 10 low risks.
Officials said the ideal number must be more than 20, to ensure the cluster was stopped from the establishment.
Members of the State Task Force said the tracking and contact testing was very important for Covid detention.
“Contact searches must be increased to 1:30 and 1:50.
The current number is very bad.
We cannot be sluggish in the front,” said the DR Shashank Joshi Task Force.
Members say examples such as kolhapur, with a high level of prospective despite increased coverage of vaccination, the average authority must be careful for breakthrough infections – covid after inoculation.

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