Man, 62, the murder of the son who fought him, gave up before the police – News2IN

Man, 62, the murder of the son who fought him, gave up before the police

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: A 62-year-old man gave up before the police on Tuesday night after killing his son at Chettipalalayam in the outskirts of the city in fighting for the vacant hotel they had run over the past two years.
Perur police said G Bakkiyanathan, from GVL Nagar, was not in a financial position to continue running the hotel – Mazhilch – at Chettipalalayam, because the business was very affected because of the situation of the pandemic.
He runs the hotel from a rental building.
An investigative officer said, “Landlord, Ganesh, has asked Bakkiyanathan to empty the building.
While he tried to empty the building around 11am on Tuesday, his 33-year-old son B Sabarinathan, who was drunk, opposed the move because of the same thing Not discussed with him.
“Bakkiyanathan fought with his son, who pushed his father down.
Bakkiyanathan, who suffered minor injuries in his hand, won a hammer angrily and hit his son in his head, killing him in that place, the officer said.
Around 5pm, Bakkiyanathan surrendered before the officer was incoming and recognizing his crime.
The police then recovered the corpse and sent it to Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital for Postmortem.
Furry police have registered a case against Bakkiyanathan and secured it.
Further investigation is active.

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